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No. 56.— Rectifying Telegrams or Repeats for Corrections. We recommend that the Regulations and Charges agreed to at Brisbane Conference be adopted, and the following arrangement made, viz.:—•" Ask by service memo, for repeat, and if repeat is the same as the original copy to be delivered at a charge of half rate. If there has been an error no charge to be made. If no error, Service Memo, to be paid for as well as the half rate for the repeat. Each office to keep its own receipts. No. 57. — Name of Terminal Country to be given in Foreign Telegrams. We recommend that in cases of Foreign Telegrams the name of the Terminal Country should be inserted by the sender. No. 58.— Reply Paid Telegrams — Mode of accounting for We recommend that this be dealt with departmentally by correspondence. No. 59.— Cablegrams "On Service. ,, This is now under consideration by the Cable Company No. 60.— Repeated Telegrams — Uniform mode of dealing with. W T e recommend that where a sender of a message pays half rate additional for his message to be repeated, the addressee shall send the repeated copy which is to be delivered to the original sender. No. 61.— Precedence of Press Cablegrams. We recommend that on communication being restored after an interruption, each day's business should be cleared in order of date of despatch, precedence being given to all press messages of same date. This is practically what the Sydney Chamber of Commerce contends for, and we think such an arrangement will be a fair one for all parties interested. [See par 8, Report of Conference.] No. 63.— Standard Time. We beg to report that Standard Time has been adopted by Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, and that the Colonies of New Zealand, Tasmania, and Western Australia be invited to also adopt Standard Time as agreed to at Wellington Conference. No. 64.— Telephone List — Patent arrangement of Alphabetical Index. We do not see any necessity to adopt the patent arrangement submitted to the Adelaide Office. Bulk Newspapers. Sir Charles Todd read a letter from the Editor of the South Australian Advertiser pointing out that two newspapers pass at bulk rate of postage in Victoria, and complaining that a different course is followed in South Australia. We regret that Victoria has departed from the provision of the Convention which requires that no parcel containing less than four newspapers should pass at bulk rates, and are of opinion that the present number of papers for bulk rates should be maintained. H. V BAYLY, Chairman. S. H. LAMBTON JAMES SMIBERT CHARLES TODD. W GRAY JOHN M'DONNELL. Hobart, February 8, 1895.