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HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL. Balance-sheet of the Boaed of Governors for the Year ending 31st December 1894. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance in Bank of New Zealand at By Subsidy to Westland Education Board beginning of year, viz.— on account of District High School 75 0 0 On fixed deposit 950 0 0 Insurance 3 10 0 On current account 55 14 7 Repairs, &c. 11 14 0 Interest on fixed deposits 45 10 0 Survey fee, plans, &c. 2 2 0 Rents 18 15 0 Bonus to Secretary .. 5 5 0 Fire insurance 3 0 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand, viz.— On fixed deposit 950 0 0 On current account 25 8 7 £1,072 19 7 £1,072 19 7 John McWhirtee, Chairman. W A. Fend all, Secretary Audited and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Report of the Board. Sib,— Bangiora, 9th March, 1895. In accordance with section 16 of " The Bangiora High School Act, 1881," and of a circular letter from the Education Department, dated the 29th November last, I have the honour to forward herewith the report of the Board of Governors of the Bangiora High School for the year ending 31st December, 1894. _ This school was temporarily closed at the end of the second term of 1893, and re-opened in the beginning of 1894 under fresh management and on a more economical basis. The Inspector-General of Schools having very recently visited the school, we confidently trust that a favourable report of the management will be received from him. The lessee of the reserve having required a rebate of rent, the revenue from this source was considerably reduced notwithstanding this loss of funds at the disposal of the Board, however, the audited statement of accounts for the year shows a diminished overdraft at the bank. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Geoege John Leech, Wellington. Chairman.

2. General Statement of Receipts and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1894. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Current income from reserves 186 8 0 By Dr. balance at beginning of year 101 19 9 School fees . 53 17 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances 150 0 0 Dr. balance at end of year 88 8 2 Printing, stationery, and advertising 10 19 9 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. 17 18 8 Fencing, repairs, &c. 18 12 11 Rents, insurance, and taxes 4 0 5 Interest on current account 5 18 8 Postage, &c. 13 6 Railway ticket .. 0 10 0 Rebate of rent 17 9 6 £328 13 2 £328 13 2 Geoege John Leech, Chairman. Examined and found correct, except as to the rebate of rent, £17 9s. 6d., for which there appears no authority of law, and which is therefore disallowed.—James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General. ,

3. Work of Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English. Mason's English Grammar, composition, exercises, and essay writing, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Merchant of Venice. Latin Macmillan's Shorter Latin Course, Principia, Part 1., Caesar, Book 1., Wilkin's Latin Prose Exercises Belcher's Exercises, and Kennedy's Latin Grammar Arithmetic Barnard Smith's, the whole subject. Algebra Hall and Knight's, to simple equations. Euclid Books I. and 11. English literature Stopford Brook's Primer History Gardiner's Outlines. Geography Hughes's Class-book Asia, America, and Oceania. Physics Balfour Stewart's Primer French Ahn's First Course. Book-keeping, mapping, and drawing. Lowest. —English Mason's Elementary Grammar , dictation, composition, and parsing (Royal Readers 111. and IV) Arithmetic Royal Series, Standards IV and V Geography Petrie's. Writing Vere Foster's copybooks. Drawing Exercises in elementary perspective. History Gardiner's Outlines.

4. Scholarships. The school gave free education to two pupils.