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quartz drifts, and conglomerates under the coal formation or auriferous Maitai slates, and each and all of these different gold-bearing formations probably have yielded auriferous material to the modern gravels along the different creek-beds of this part. In Boatman's Creek, where the area of recent alluvial deposit is even more considerable, all the sources immediately above mentioned have contributed to the auriferous character of the gravels in the creek-bed below Capleston. Unfortunately, below the point where the valley widens, the low grounds along the banks of the creek are likely to prove wet, and the sinking to bottom on the " Old-man " gravels on which the recent deposits rest will be, as a consequence, difficult. In the upper part of Boatman's the gold is derived from Cretaceo-tertiary conglomerates and gneissic rocks. In Little Boatman's Creek the gold is derived from Matai slates in Specimen Hill, from conglomerates at the base of the coal-bearing series, and from gravels of the " Old-man bottom," all these sources contributing material towards the formation of the recent gravels in the bed of the creek. In Italian Gully and its different branches the main source of the auriferous wash is the slate belt extending along the front ranges between Boatman's and Larry's Creeks. In the lower part of the creek, however, the gravels of the " Old-man bottom" are also a source of supply. In Larry's Creek the main source of the recent gravels in and along the river-bed is the gneissic and mica-schist rocks of the Brunner Mountains, but to a considerable extent gold must have been supplied from hills and plateau table-lands formed of Pliocene gravels that are present on both sides of the lower valley before the creek enters upon the lower plain formed by the Inangahua Biver. In the upper part of Larry's Creek, gold and gold-workings are found right into the heart of the mountain chain, in which the several sources of the creek take their rise. In Landing Creek and its several tributaries in the lower part, where gold-workings are first met with, the recent deposits are a mixture of the gravels of the " Old-man bottom" and slate rubble from the western slopes of the Brunner Mountains. Further up Little Landing Creek the bottom is " Old-man" gravels, and the wash largely composed of the same material. This stream also reaches back to the slopes of the mountain-range, where the auriferous slates are found. Between Landing Greek and Goal Greek there are high grounds covered with auriferous wash, which will have to be considered under another head ; but there are also numerous creeks in this direction the beds of which have been worked for gold. These and the several creeks that take their rise beyond Coal Creek, and fall into the Buller Biver, have not been particularly examined, but it is well known that the more important of them have been worked for gold. West Side of the Inangahua Valley. At the mouth of Stony Greek, which joins the Inangahua opposite the mouth of Boatman's Creek, there are heavy terraces of gravel, in which a little gold has been found. To make this ground pay, hydraulic sluicing must be the means employed. In Fletcher's Greek and some other creeks on this side of the valley gold is found in the recent wash along the beds of the streams, but it does not appear that systematic and remunerative workings have at any time been carried on on this side of the valley of the Inangahua. From what has been stated it will be apparent that, in most instances, the source of the gold in the beds and alluvial banks of all but the great rivers has been the gravels of the " Old-man bottom," which, it has been shown, is either present in or never far distant from the localities where important workings have been carried on. Coast-line between Greymouth and Westport. Neither in the Seven-mile nor in the Nine-mile Creek can there be said to be any gold-workings in gravels that rightly have to be considered under this head. In the valley of the Ten-mile Creek there have been gold-workings up to the first branch going to the south, while in the north or main branch of the stream prospecting has been carried almost to the source of the creek. The gold found in the Ten-mile Creek is of a coarse description. Part of it is undoubtedly derived from the slates and sandstones in which the upper part of the valley is excavated. Part of it also is undoubtedly derived from the conglomerates at the base of the coalbearing series, of which more in the proper place. In Baker's Greek, at the southern end of the Seventeen-mile Beach, gold is found, and workings, though to a limited extent, have been carried on near the lower part of the creek. The gold in this stream has, as in the case of the Upper Ten-mile Creek, been derived solely from reefs occurring in the Maitai-slate formation. In Fagin's Greek gold is got along the bed of the stream to the foot of the high range in which the creek takes its rise, nearly opposite the source of the Ten-mile Creek. A considerable amount of work has been done along the bed of this creek, but more in the way of prospecting than of systematic working. The gold appears to be patchy, as in Moonlight, and is of such character as indicates the near presence of reefs. Near the point where the creek leaves the hills it has broken through the Barrytown lead, and here the greater part of the gold must be considered to have been derived from that part of the lead which the action of the creek has carried away. In Granity Creek no gold has yet been found above the point where it is crossed by the Barrytown lead, and a number of smaller creeks crossed before reaching Canoe Creek are auriferous only because they also have broken through and carried away part of the lead. In Canoe Greek a very considerable amount of gold-workings have been carried on, and most of the gold was obtained from the recent low-level terraces and gravels of the creek-bed. Like the other streams flowing from this part of the Paparoa Bange west to the seaboard, it has cut through, and in part destroyed, the Barrytown lead. Lawson's and Scott's Creeks, rising on the slopes of Hawera Mountain in like manner, after eroding gold-bearing slates, break through the northern continuation of the Barrytown lead, and, thus enriched, have no doubt carried a portion of the finer gold to the lower ground and the seabeach of the present day.