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opening of the district to the 31st March last 640,933 tons of quartz have been crushed, from which 459,4230z. of gold have been obtained, representing a value of £1,794,175, out of which sum £562,593 was distributed in dividends. The total amount of alluvial gold raised for the same period is approximately estimated at 122,1210z., of the value of £450,740. The total gold-production of the district amounts to 581,5440z. of the value of £2,244,915. The following table will show the calls made, dividends declared, &c., by the various companies n the district during the year : —

List of Dividends declared, Calls made, &c., by various Companies.

* Yield from tailings treated by cyanide process. I submit for your information the following account of the work done by the principal companies in the district during the past twelve months :— Devil's Ceeek. Progress. —At the time of last reporting the No. 5 main level was in course of being opened up, a chamber having been constructed at the bottom of the shaft, and a cross-cut to the line of reef commenced. The reef was intersected at a distance of 400 ft. from the chamber, and has been driven on in this level a distance of 80ft., with stone showing in both east and west ends. Seven stopeshave been opened above the main level, not all driven home, and a new make of stone of a very promising character has come in on the foot-wall of the leading eastern stope, having at present a northerly course. The size of the main reef varies considerably, being from 4ft. to 16ft. in width, but it is payable throughout, and a lengthened period of profitable work, with regular dividends, can be looked for from the present level. A chamber has been constructed, and a winze will be started at an early date for the purpose of opening up another (No. 6) level, the directors fully realising the importance of continuing without cessation progressive works, which in the past were somewhat neglected. The winding-power of the company's plant has been supplemented during the year by the erection of a Tangye steel boiler of twenty-five-horse power, and this addition will make the plant complete. The amount of stone crushed during the year was 7,150 tons, yielding 3,6200z. of gold, or an average of slightly over lOdwt. to the ton, the value of the gold obtained being £14,663 os. Id. The total output of the mine amounts to 51,595 tons of quartz, which yielded 24,2710z. of gold, representing a value of £97,315, out of which the company have paid £17,400 in dividends,

Name of Company. Calls made. Dividends declared. Quartz crushed. Yield of Gold. Value. Wealth of Nations Exchange Sir Francis Drake... Sir Charles Russell Al Sir Francis Drake Syndicate Keep-It-Dark Globe No. 2 South Keep-It-Dark ... Golden Point Ingle wood Extended Cumberland Dillon ... Hercules... _ Gallant ... New Low-level Tunnel Golden Lead £ s. 300 0 600 0 600 0 a. 0 0 0 £ s. a. 812 10 0 Tons. 3,379 Oz. 954 £ s. d. 3,816 0 0 1,083' 6 900 0 8 0 1,550 470 42 350 936 4,445 50 155 250 722 530 294 374 35 334 1,372 12 43 70 785 2,073 17 10 1,168 12 1 1,520 4 3 140 0 0 1,336 0 0 5,556 12 0 48 0 0 172 6 7 280 0 0 3,183 1 1 50 0 1,800 0 500 0 300 0 50 0 70 0 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 1,200" 0 0 2,610 1,215 4,831 18 6 Progress ... Big River Royal 4,200" 0 0 4,200 0 0 341 7,150 1,760 108 114 3,620 2,560 53i 459 2 10 14,663 0 1 10,271 10 10 213 0 0 Private Co's and Tributers— Energy Frampton and another ... Golden Fleece ... Victoria Golden Treasure Fiery Cross Caledonian Boatman's Tailings 30 119 1,054 326 48 688 20 8J 17 397 98 10i 325 20i *177 33 0 0 68 0 0 1,588 0 0 392 0 0 42 0 0 1,300 0 0 114 0 0 238 19 0 Alluvial gold 10,153 6 8 11,012 10 0 26,603 13,4261 4,550 53,509 17,742 5 0 1 0 Totals... |17,976i 71,251 5 1