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the preliminary work can be done so as to prospect for runs of gold at a depth greater than present workings. However, if a commencement is made to test the deep ground, increased confidence will be felt, and ground at present abandoned again be occupied and worked. There is very little doubt that the Ohinemuri returns will not only be maintained, but that there will be a material increase during the next year. The addition to the plant will enable the Waihi Company to deal with a greater quantity of ore, when there will be a corresponding improvement in the returns of gold. The Golden Cross Mine, at Waitekauri, and the Komatu Mine, also promise to maintain their excellent yields. The Crown Mine, at Karangahake, looks better, and bids fair to give an increase in the yield, and the Woodstock Mine also is in a position to treat an increased quantity of ore, is well opened up, and the reefs give good prospects. The Talisman Company has in hand the erection of a mill capable of treating their quartz, and, as the parcel already crushed at the Crown Company's mill gave a highly remunerative yield, a continuation of successful results may be looked for. An extensive area of ground is being taken up for mining purposes throughout the whole of the Hauraki district, and no doubt other new and payable reefs will be discovered, but an immediate increase in the yields from this source is not to be looked for, as machinery is required, and the plants at present in the district are fully employed in extracting the gold from the mines to which they belong. I have, &c, George Wilson, The Under-Secretary of Mines, Wellington. Inspector of Mines.

No. 4. Mr. Warden Allen to the Under-Secretary of Mines, Wellington. Sic,— Blenheim, 20th April, 1895. 1 have the honour to forward you herewith my annual returns for the period ended the 31st March last. I have nothing special to report concerning the gold-field under my charge. Ido not think the number of men actually at work on the ground has decreased during the year. I regret having to report that, notwithstanding the adoption of the cyanide process, the Bavenscliff Company have not found their present mine payable, and have ceased operations for the present. Several licensed holdings have been cancelled during the year, but this will not affect the prosperity of the district, for the reason that no work had ever been done on these cancelled holdings. Although I cannot report any improvement in mining matters, I am still of the opinion that there is a very large tract of payable alluvial and quartz country within the boundaries of this goldfield. I have, &c, J. Allen, Warden. The Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington.

No. 5. Mr. Warden Heaps to the Under-Secretary of Mines, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Nelson, 13th May, 1895. I have the honour to forward herewith the usual statistical returns for the Wangapeka and Tableland portions of the Karamea Mining District. As the returns indicate, there has been little doing in mining matters in this district during the past year. An effort was made to get up a company to prospect in the Moutere and Eiwaka districts, but as yet nothing has come of it. The most hopeful direction in which to look for development is in the new country now being tapped by the track in course of construction to the Karamea Bend. When this is finished, I have no doubt considerable developments may be looked for in the country it will open up. I have, &c, Wilson Heaps, Warden. The Under-Secretary, Department of Mines, Wellington.

No. 6. Mr. Warden Greenfield to the Und£b-Secbetary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sic,— Warden's Office, Westport, 13th May, 1895. I have the honour to forward herewith the statistical returns and report on the mining industry of the Karamea Mining District for the year ended the 31st March, 1895, as follows, viz. :— Addison's. All the old claims have been doing well, though some of them have had to carry out expensive works. For instance, Moran and party have driven and boxed a tunnel tail-race over 1,000 ft., and repaired and completed 2,000 ft. of the old tunnel. The tail-race is now in good repair, and is one mile in length, all tunnel. Carmody and party have driven and boxed a tail-race 2,300 ft., and repaired their water-race from end to end, about six miles.