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Pride of Karaka. —This mine was worked on tribute ; 162 tons were crushed for 1760z. 3dwt. of gold. Six tributers were employed. Magnolia Mine. —This mine was not very energetically worked. The company crushed 75 tons for 40oz. lldwt., and the tributers 35 tons for 200z., of gold. One wages-man and four tributers were employed. The Magnolia Company surrendered the mine, but the land is taken up by other parties. Homeivard Bound and Bose Claim. —Thomas Boyle and party, three men ; 72 tons of quartz were crushed for 1620z. 2dwt. of gold. North Stars. —This mine was worked on tribute. Ten men were employed, and 241 tons were crushed for 3420z. 6dwt. of gold. Sundry other parties in this district crushed 104 tons 801b. for 990z. 15dwt. of gold; about five men were employed. Hape Creek Distbict. Parties of tributers and fossickers worked in the old Coo sols ground, chiefly mullock-tips ; 383 tons were crushed for 109oz. lldwt. of gold. Six men on an average were employed. Weymouth Claim. —No returns. Two men employed. Fogarty's Claim. —No returns. One man employed. Near Home. —Twenty-three tons for 260z. lldwt. One man employed. Hermit. —Forty-four tons for 21oz. 15dwt. One man employed. Sundry other claims: 64 tons of quartz and 250 tons mullock crushed for 550z. 13dwt. of gold. About four men were employed on the average. Otunui Disteict. Alpine Mine. —Ludwig and party crushed 200 tons for 30oz. of gold, the mine was then abandoned. A prospecting party has since occupied the ground. Average, two men in the district during the year. Matatoki Disteict. No mining during the year. Pueiei District. Hit or Miss Mine. —Worth and Greenaway lately took up the ground formerly known as the Puriri Mine. A considerable amount of prospecting was done. A level, 70ft., was driven on the reef, which is from 7in. to 18in. in thickness. Another level, 80ft., was driven, and a winze, 15ft., was sunk, and they are now engaged in putting in a low-level crossi-cut to cut the reef about 86ft. deeper. The battery is being put in order for crushing. The prospects of the mine are very good; 3 tons lOcwt. of quartz crushed at the School of Mines, Thames, yielded 114oz. of gold. Three men were employed. Burdett. —A prospector crushed 531b. of stone for 18oz. lOdwt. of gold, and another party crushed a small parcel of 101b. for 17dwt. of gold. Three men were employed. Several licensed holdings have been lately taken up near the Hit or Miss, but not much work has yet been done. Tairua Disteict. Bonnie Scotland (P. McLiver, owner). —Six tons crushed yielded soz. of gold. Several other parties occasionally work in the district, and small parcels yielded 250z. of gold. Tairua Eiver District. No mining-work has been carried on as title cannot be got for the land. Ohdi District. Several parties did prospecting-work in the early part of the year, but latterly McGregor and party only were employed. They had a parcel of 2 tons taken to the Thames, which yielded 240z. 13dwt. of gold. Whangamata District. No work has been done at this place during the year, but a party has lately marked out a special claim on the old ground. Wharekiraupunga District. No mining-work has been done during the year. OHINEMURI COUNTY. Maratoto District. Maratoto Mine. —This mine is owned and worked by William Nicholl and party. 508 tons of ore yielded 1,1420z. of bullion ; value, £376 15s. 9d. Three men were employed. Several parties have been prospecting in the district, but no returns have been received. The Betreat, a special claim of 100 acres, has been taken up, and a small parcel tried at the School of Mines, Thames, but the return was very poor, and work was suspended. Karangahaki District. Woodstock United Mine. —A large amount of work has been done in this mine, and a tenstamp dry-crushing mill, with complete cyanide plant, erected on the side between the Waitawheta and Ohinemuri Eivers. Mr. John McCrombie, the mine-manager, gives the following report on the mine : " During the year just passed the No. 3 level has been driven 300 ft. along the line of the