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leader stoped out; 721 tons were crushed by the owners for 7890z. 7dwt. of gold, and the tributers crushed 1,944 tons, chiefly surface-stuff, for 211oz. 6dwt. of gold. Twenty-nine wages-men and five tributers were employed. MoANATAIAEI DISTRICT. Moanataiari Mine. —This mine has been continuously worked during the year. The outlet- or adit-level, known as the " Moanataiari tunnel," is 3,077 ft. in length, and the cross-cuts and levels opening from the adit amount to 2,960 ft. of driving; above the adit, on —first, the 200 ft. level, 220 ft.; second, the 100 ft. level, 1,410 ft.; third, Point Eussell level, 2,650 ft.; fourth, Dauntless level, 350 ft.; fifth, "Union level, 240 ft.; sixth, Eeuben Parr, or 23rd of June, low level, 650 ft.; seventh, Sons of Freedom level, 475 ft.; eighth, Dawn of Hope level, 280 ft.; ninth, Golden Age levels (three), 600 ft.: whilst below the adit there are the 150 ft. level, 940 ft.; and the 80ft. level 540 ft. These drives are fit for use, entailing large expenditure for timber to repair and keep them open. The cross-cut driven on the 150 ft. level from the main shaft to the Golden Calf shaft, a distance of 850 ft., was carried in parallel with, and about 70ft. on the western or seaward side of, the big fault or slide. The Caledonian Nos. 1 and 2 reefs will now be tested against the fault, and an effort made to pick up the eastern continuation of those reefs underneath the fault. If these reefs are discovered, and the extent of the displacement by the big slide determined, it would be of great importance to the carrying-out of future works at lower levels. The distance to the surface through the slide at the point where they now are will be close on 700 ft. The principal reefs worked during the year were the Jones leader, 18in. in thickness, the workings on which are at the 100 ft. level. The Dawn of Hope leader, 15in., and the Golden Age foot-wall branch leaders, comprising a series of ribs of quartz from lin. to 10in. in thickness, the whole reef formation being in some places 6ft. wide from wall to wall, are worked from Point Eussell level. During the year 940 ft. were driven in cross-cuts, and on reefs 520 ft.; 900 fathoms of reef were stoped out; and 10,038 tons of surface material from the Kuranui Hill section was treated at the mill for a yield of 5280z. 2dwt., whilst 3,407 tons of quartz yielded 2,2100z. 9dwt.of gold. The tributers' crushings amounted to 2,775 tons of quartz for a yield of 1,1520z. Bdwt. The main shaft was also opened up and repaired to the 150 ft. level, the winding-engine and machinery overhauled, and winding again carried on. Fifty-two wages-men and forty-five tributers were employed. Junction Mine. —Very little work was done in this mine. A party of tributers crushed 60 tons of quartz for 18oz. 9dwt. of gold, but the mine has been abandoned for the greater part of the year. Alfred Mine.—Three parties of tributers worked off and on during the year. Twenty-two tons of quartz yielded 17oz. 19dwt. of gold. Freedom Mine. —Two parties of tributers worked in the surface portion of this mine, which was afterwards surrendered by the company, when it was taken up by a party of miners. Ninety-three tons crushed for tributers yielded 84oz. 9dwt. of gold. Five men were employed. Orlando Mine. —A considerable amount of work has been done by this company in opening up the Carpenter's reef; a rise was put 112 ft., and 136 ft. of sinking winzes was done. The principal gold was got by tributers from the surface portion of the mine; 270 tons lOcwt. crushed yielded lOOoz. 13dwt., whilst 22 tons for the company yielded soz. 3dwt. of gold. Four wages-men and four tributers were employed. New Whau Mine. —This mine has been worked on tribute; 52 tons of quartz yielded 670z. ldwt. Three tributers were employed. Negotiations have been entered into to sell the mine, and a company is to be formed to work this and adjacent ground. Calliope. —This mine was given up by the company, and has been taken up by private parties. The quartz crushed was won by tributers ; 71 tons crushed yielded 51oz. 2dwt. of gold. New Alburnia Mine. —During the past year this company has done a large amount of deadwork in opening up the mine in a more systematic manner, in order that low-grade quartz might be worked at a profit; and for that purpose a shaft has been sunk from the surface at Punga Flat to a depth of 200 ft. A level was opened at 170 ft., and drives put in on Dixon's and other reefs. The aerial tramway is now constructed to convey quartz from the brace of the shaft to the battery at a cost of about 6d. per ton. A complete and suitable engine, with winding-gear, has also been erected, and it is intended to sink the shaft to a depth of 500 ft. Levels are to be opened at various depths. The shaft is now in progress, and the next level is to be opened at a depth of 300 ft. The company crushed 1,109 tons of quartz for a yield of 6570z. of gold, and the tributers crushed 1,441 tons for 3280z. sdwt. of gold. Sixteen wages-men and five tributers were employed. Caliban. —This mine was for some time idle, in consequence of the death of the owner. Twelve tons of quartz yielded soz. 18dwt. of gold. Londonderry Claim.' —This claim was taken up by the Fisher Brothers, near the outcrop of the old Nolan's Candlelight, and some rich quartz was obtained in working near the surface, thirty-one tons yielded 86oz. of gold. Two men were employed. A considerable amount of fossicking has been done in this district, and 85 tons of quartz and 550 tons of mullock yielded 2050z. Bdwt. of gold. Six men on the average were employed in this way. Welcome Mine. —This mine was taken up by a private party, and a considerable amount of prospecting done, but no payable reef has yet been found. 120 ft. of a cross-cut was put in, and 110 ft. of driving done on two leaders. Two men were employed. A licensed holding, called the Ailean, has been taken up at the head of Tinker's Gully, and a considerable amount of driving done, but no payable quartz obtained. Geahamstown Disteict. Victoria Mine.—The operations in this mine have been chiefly prospecting-work at the 400 ft. and 500 ft levels by the company's men,, whilst the upper portion of the mine has been worked by 2—C. 3a.