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I beg to add that there is nothing further to report, but, should Her Majesty's Government desire information on any specific points, it shall be furnished. I enclose for your Lordship's information the New Zealand "Journal of Commerce and Labour," in which are some tables on this subject which may prove interesting. I have, &c, GLASGOW. The Eight Hon. the Marquis of Eipon, G.C.M.G., &c.

No. 5. (No. 22.) My Lobd, — Government House, Wellington, Bth June, 1893. In reply to your despatch (New Zealand, of Ist April, 1893, General), respecting the proposed extension of the Coinage Act of 1870 to the Australian Colonies, I have the honour to inform your Lordship that my Government concur in the proposed application of the Coinage Act of 1870, and of section 2 of the Act of 1891, to this colony. I have, &c, GLASGOW. The Eight Hon. the Marquis of Eipon, G.C.M.G., &c.

A.-2,1894, No, 6,

No. 6. (No. 27.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 10th July, 1893. I have the honour to forward addresses that have been presented to me by the honourable the Legislative Council and the House of Eepresentatives respectively with reference to the terrible loss of Her Majesty's ship "Victoria," and those gallant officers and men who perished in her. I trust your Lordship may be pleased to lay both these addresses before Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. I have, &c, GLASGOW. The Eight Hon. the Marquis of Eipon, G.C.M.G., &c.

Enclosures. Addeess feom the Legislative Council. To His Excellency the Eight Honourable David, Earl of Glasgow, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand. May it please youe Excellency,— We, the Legislative Council of New Zealand, respectfully request that your Excellency will convey to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen an expression of the deep regret of this Council at the loss of Her Majesty's ship " Victoria," and of its sorrow for the death of so distinguished an officer as the Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon, X.C.8., and of the many gallant officers and men who perished with him. H. J. Millee, Speaker of the Legislative Council.

Address feom the House op Eepeesentatives. To His Excellency the Eight Honourable David, Earl of Glasgow, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand, and Vice-Admiral of the same. May it please youe Excellency,— We, the House of Eepresentatives of New Zealand, respectfully request that your Excellency will convey to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen an expression of the deep regret of this House at the loss of Her Majesty's ship " Victoria," and of its sorrow for the death of so distinguished an officer as Admiral Sir George Tryon, X.C.8., and the many gallant officers and men who perished with him. W. J. Stewaed, Speaker.

No. 7. (Copy of Telegram.) To Secretary of State for the Colonies. Bth July, 1893. On behalf of colony, express congratulations on marriage of their Eoyal Highnesses. GOVEENOE, NEW ZEALAND.