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Enclosure No. 3. Import Duty Amendment Act, 1893. Whereas it is desirable to define more clearly the original cost and charges of all goods on which duty is payable under " The Import Duty Act, 1881": It is hereby enacted by the British Eesident and the Parliament of the Cook Islands :— 1. That the term " original cost and charges till landed at the Cook Islands" shall mean the actual cost to the importer at the place from which the goods are exported, together with the value of the packages of any kind in which the goods are contained, and all charges which have been paid or are to be paid till the goods are landed in Earotonga : Provided always that the original cost to the importer shall not in any case be less than the fair market value of the goods on the usual terms of credit in the country from which they were exported. 2. That the valuation for duty shall be expressed in the currency dollar of the Cook Islands, and that for the purposes of this Act the conversion of British money shall be at the rate of six and two-third dollars for one pound sterling, or of American money at the same rate for five dollars, or of French money at the same rate for twenty-five francs, and for the money of other countries in the like ratio. 3. Drawbacks. —The Government is authorised to allow drawbacks not exceeding two-thirds the amount of duty that may have been paid upon any articles exported after paying said duty to places beyond the Federation : Provided that this section shall not come into operation until the Government shall have framed regulations for safeguarding the revenue and fixing the charges to be paid by persons claiming such drawback. Dated at Avarua, 25th July, 1893. Approved. To come into operation forthwith. Frederick J. Moss, 27th July, 1893. British Eesident.

Enclosure No. 4. Buna way Offenders Act, 1893. It is hereby enacted by the British Eesident and the Parliament of the Cook Islands : — 1. That, if any person break the law of any one of the islands in the Federation, and escape to any other island of the Federation, to avoid trial or payment of any fine that may have been imposed upon him after trial, the Ariki of the district from which he has escaped may apply to the Ariki of the district to which he has fled in order that the said runaway may be judged or made to pay the fine due from him. 2. Upon such application, the Ariki of the district to whom it is made shall cause the Judge of the district to inquire into the case, and treat the offence as if it were committed in his own district. He shall pay to the Ariki of the district in which the offence was committed any fine collected from the offender. 3. If any Ariki to whom application is made neglect to refer it to the Judge, or if the Judge neglect to try the case and take due action thereon, the district of the said Ariki shall be fined in such sum as the Federal Parliament may decide, and the fine shall be deducted from any subsidies to be paid to the island in which the district is situated. Dated at Avarua, 25th July, 1893. Approved. To go into operation from this date. Frederick J. Moss, 3rd August,. 1893. British Eesident.

Enclosure No. 5. Ships' Lights. It is hereby enacted by the British Eesident and the Parliament of the Cook Islands : — 1. That every sailing-ship belonging to the Cook Islands, or carrying the Cook Islands flag, shall show the same lights, and in the same manner, as are required by the regulations for preventing collisions at sea now in force for the British shipping, under the Orders in Council issued by Her Britannic Majesty. 2. That the Collector of Eevenue at the Port of Avarua shall be the officer responsible for the due observance of this law, and shall complain of any breach thereof. . 3. The penalty for breaking this law shall be a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, to be imposed by the Supreme Court on the master or other person in charge of any vessel who is convicted of the breach thereof. Dated at Avarua, the 27th day of July, 1893. Approved. To come into operation forthwith. Frederick J. Moss, 3rd August, 1893. British Eesident.

Enclosure No. 6. Eegistration Amendment Act—Births, Deaths, and Marriages. It is hereby enacted by the British Eesident and the Parliament of the Cook Islands : — 1. That there shall be in future three registration officers in Aitutaki and three in Mangaia, and that section 3 of the Eegistration Act (No. 2) of 1892 is amended accordingly. Dated at Avarua, 27th July, 1893. Approved. To come into operation forthwith. Frederick J. Moss, 3rd August, 1893. British Eesident.