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Lithographic Printing and Photographing, from 1st April, 1893, to 31st March, 1894.

Abstract of lithographs printed during the twelve months :—■ At Head Office ... ... ... ... ... 1,069,498 impressions. Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 8,503 Otago ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,000 Total ... ... ... 1,082,001 Maps mounted: At Head Office, 1,105; at Wellington District Office, 1,200; at Westland District Office, 6; at Otago District Office, 345; at Auckland District Office, 400. Correspondence. Mr. W. S. Short, Chief Clerk, reports :— The work performed by the clerical staff of the Head Office during the period ended 31st March, 1894, was much greater than that of any previous period in the history of the department. The inwards correspondence amounted to 16,000 letters, telegrams, and reports, nearly all of which had to. be entered and otherwise recorded. The outwards correspondence amounted to 12,600 letters and telegrams. These figures show an increase of more than one-fifth over those of 1892-93. There were also thirty-six official circulars issued, and 2,780 new subjects were commenced. In addition to the usual correspondence, the office dealt with many matters of administration under various Acts of Parliament, and the Proclamations, Orders in Council, deeds, notices, and other instruments prepared by the office during 1893-94 in pursuance of same were as follow :— Land Act: Warrants opening for sale under Part 111., 99; warrants withdrawing from sale under Part 111., 1; warrants of sales by auction, 13 ; Proclamations setting apart village-homestead lands, 14; Orders in Council fixing terms, &c, village-homestead lands, 16; warrant withdrawing from village-homestead lands, 1; Proclamations of village-settlements, 3 ; Orders in Council fixing terms, &c, village-settlements, 3; small-grazing runs, Proclamations setting apart, 30; warrants reserving lands, 13; Proclamations (miscellaneous), 5 ; Orders in Council (miscellaneous), 5 ; warrants and notices, &c. (miscellaneous), 21; forms revised and printed, 23 (including 5 forms of lease); advertisement notices (independent of any of the above), 20; warrants appointing members of Laud Boards, 21 ; warrants appointing Bangers, 3 : total, 291. Cemeteries Acts : Warrants appointing trustees, 33 ; Order in Council delegating powers under Act, 1: total, 34. Public Domains Act: Orders in Council bringing recreation-grounds under, 19; Orders in Council delegating powers to Boards, 34 : total, 53. Land for Settlements Act: Proclamations, 4; warrants opening land, 4 ; offers of land received and dealt with, 101: total, 109. Public Beserves Acts : Orders in Council changing purpose, 2; warrants changing purpose, 2 ; Orders in Council vesting reserves in local bodies, 23 : total, 27. Public works and other Acts in so far as they relate to roads and bridges : Proclamations taking land for local bodies, 19; Proclamations and notices taking land for Government roads, 24; Proclamations vesting bridges in local bodies, 4; commissions relating to above, 2 ; Proclamations defining roads on railway lands, 7 ; Orders in Council making roads county or district roads, 5; authorising sale of land taken for public roads, 1 ; plans of towns submitted to Governor for approval, 8 ; warrants authorising land to be taken for roads, 27 : total, 97.

Number of Number of 'mpressions. Department. Separate Printings. Number of Plates Bromide Prints. Bromide Enlargements. By Machine. By Hand. Land and Survey Public Works ... Mines Marine Colonial Secretary Justice Begistrar-General New Zealand Institute ... Customs Postal and Telegraph ... Agricultural and Stock ... Education Railways Labour 1,161 61 73 31 15 11 17 32 2 25 12 10 169 4 1 36 2 1 1 587,488 16,700 79,300 5,420 10,250 51,124 1,458 100 1,838 15 1,405 535 27 49 9 8 137 108 51,500 20,287 2 21 32,750 21,400 3,780 133,200 2,400 4,000 39,150 200 1,000 47 160 214 1,499 1,608 832 32 30 156 Treasury Legislative Public Trust ... Premier's Native Land Purchase ... 323 3 50 Totals ... 1,664 1,008,825 60,673 872 137 108