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Enclosure in No. 28. Minute by the Stock Agents. In a minute, dated the 22nd September, 1891, the then Stock Agents referred in favourable terms to the manner in which the officers of the Agent-General's Department had performed the responsible and special work devolving upon them in the operations connected with the conversions of the public debt of the colony. As the Stock Agents now in office entirely concur with the remarks made in that minute, as regards both the nature and importance of the duties and work thus performed, and also the manner in which they are carried out, it will not be necessary to repeat them in this minute. Since September, 1891, a largo amount of important work in connection with conversion operations has been performed, the extent of which can be fairly judged by reference to the correspondence relating thereto published in the New Zealand parliamentary papers ; and, these operations being now virtually completed, the Stock Agents take the opportunity of recording their sense of the value of the services thus rendered by the officers in question, and expressing their appreciation of the excellent manner in which their part of the work has been performed. The magnitude of the operations, and the great care which has had to be taken, have necessitated the exercise of special vigilance ou tho part of those intrusted with the carrying out of the details of the work; and we therefore decide to make the following payment by way of honorarium, namely: £150 to Mr. Kennaway, £50 to Mr. Palliser, and £120 for distribution among the clerks engaged. P. G. Julyan, 16th December, 1893. w - B - Perceval.

No. 29. The Colonial Treasurer to the Agent-General. (No. 1.) Sir,— The Treasury, Wellington, 17th February, 1894. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th December last, expressing your appreciation of the services rendered to you by the Secretary and staff of the AgentGeneral's Department, and stating that you had awarded the officers certain sums by way of honorarium, and to inform you that your action meets with the approval of the Government. I have &c, John McKenzie The New Zealand Stock Agents, London. (For the Colonial Treasurer).

No. 30. The Agent-General to the Premier. (No. 2.) Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., Sir, 4th January, 1894. Referring to my letter (No. 1603) of the 30th December last, I beg to transmit copy of contract note for the sale of £40,000 3|--per-cent. stock for the account of the 17th instant, at which date the proceeds of the sale will go into the Public Account. This sale reduces the amount of unsold 3J-per-cent. stock remaining in the names of the Audit Officer and myself to £4,177 17s. Bd. It will now be practicable to prepare the statement of account (referred to in my letter No. 1585, of the 27th ultimo) showing how much additional stock it will be necessary to inscribe and sell in order to complete the operation. I have &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. B. Perceval.

No. 31. The Colonial Treasurer to the Agent-General. (No. 72.) Sir,— The Treasury, Wellington, 20th February, 1894. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th ultimo (No. 2), enclosing sale-note of £40,000 3-J-per-cent. stock, and stating that the Stock Agents will, now that almost the whole of the stock has been disposed of, be able to prepare a statement of the account, showing how much additional stock it will be necessary to inscribe and sell in order to complete the operation. I shall be glad to receive the statement and to find the conversion completed. I have, &c, John McKenzie The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. (For the Colonial Treasurer).

No. 32. The Agent-General to the Premier. (No. 40.) Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., Sir,— 12th January, 1894. In reply to your Treasury letter (T. 93/1677) No. 57, of the 23rd November last, respecting certain discrepancies between the amount of the sales-notes relating to the 3-J-per-cent. stock and the amounts paid into the Public Account, I attach statement giving the necessary explanation respecting those specified in your letter, and also respecting those which have since occurred. I beg also to add the following explanatory note—namely, the £25,000 3f-per-cent. stock sold cum dividend on the Ist December for the 14th December account was on transfer inscribed ex dividend, and the dividend (less income-tax) due thereon on the Ist instant, being included in the amount of the dividend collected and paid into the Public Account on the 11th instant, the amount (£424 14s. 10d.) has been paid to the brokers by cheque on the Foreign Imprest Account. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. B. Perceval.