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I am directed to report that, as the Commissioners have given the usual compassionate allowance of three months' pay, viz., £25, to the petitioner, and they regret they have no power to do more, the Committee is of opinion that some provision should be made to meet what seems a deserving case, and recommend, that the petition be referred to the Government. 23rd October, 1894.

No. 732. —Petition of William Blake, of the City of Wellington, Blacksmith. Petitioner states that he was, from October, 1876, to November, 1889, employed in the New Zealand Eailway-works at Pipitea Point as springmaker and blacksmith; that from 1878 to 9th November, 1889, he was foreman blacksmith in the said works; that on the 9th November, 1889, when out driving, petitioner met with an accident which prevented him attending to his duties for about six weeks ; that, in consequence of his absence from work, his services were dispensed with. He prays for the usual compensation. I am directed to report that the Committee consider that the petitioner has a claim for compensation during the eight years in which he might be looked upon as foreman of blacksmiths, and recommend his claim to the favourable consideration of the Government. 23rd October, 1894. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation nil; printing (1,250 copies), £4 18s. Ccl.

Authority : Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

Price 6d.]