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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1894-95. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. r otel5. —Treasury Department £ 6,730 £ £ 6,730 „ 16.—Friendly Societies Registry Office 620 550 1,170 „ 17. —Office of Industries and Commerce 325 295 620 „ 18.—Land- and Income-tax Department 4,733 7,516 12,249 „ 19. —Treasury : Miscellaneous Services 13,342 13,342 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 12,408 1,703 34,111 '.tern. 14-95. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1894-95. Total number of officers ... ... 32 VOTE No. 15. Salaries— Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral Accountant to the Treasury Corresponding Clerk Cashier Shorthand Writer 21 Clerks: 1 at £325, 1 at £260, 1 at £245, 1 at £240, 1 at £225, 2 at £220, 2 at £210, 1 at £200,1 at £190,2 at £185,1 at £175, 2 at £172, 1 at £164, 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £110,1 at £104 ... 4 Cadets : 1 at £100, 1 at £80, 1 at £75, 1 at £65 ... 2 Binders : 1 at £3 10s. and 1 at £3 per week 700 450 310 225 265 4,122 320 338 Total —Vote No. 15 ... 6,730 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES REGISTRY OFFICE. 1894-95. Total number of officers ... ... 3 VOTE No. 16. Salaries — Registrar and Actuary Revising Barrister (also Assistant Law Officer, £550) Clerk 350 50 220 2 3 4 Other Charges— Cost of valuations, sickness returns, and statistical cards Extra clerical assistance Contingencies 620 250 250 50 Total—Vote No. 16 ... 550 1,170