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Schedule of 47 Petitions from School-teachers in the employ of the Auckland Education Board, praying that they be not charged rent on Schoolhouses occupied by them, &c.

No. 718.—Petition of E. Purser, of Blenheim. Petitioner states that he has discovered a process for treating the ironsand of Taranaki, and prays that a sum of money may be placed on the estimates to be given for a competitive examination of the best process for working successfully the ironsands of the colony. I am directed to report that, with a view of developing the mineral wealth of the colony, the Committee recommends the Government to place a sum of money on the estimates as a bonus for the manufacture of iron of a good marketable quality, the bonus to be given when there is sufficient'evidence that the industry is likely to be of a permanent advantage to the colony. 2nd October, 1894.

No. 637. —Petition of John Taylor Marshall, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may be found employment by the Government on account of his past services. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted. 2nd October, 1894.

No. 595. —Petition of The Waikato Branch op the New Zealand Educational Institute. Petitioners pray that the School Maintenance Fund be not applied to building and other purposes, and that a colonial scale of salaries be fixed for teachers, and a system of classification of schools be introduced. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd October, 1894.

No. 658. —Petition of James J. Waite, of Auckland. Petitioner states that he was a probationary lighthouse-keeper in the employment of the Marine Department. That he made certain charges against the lighthouse-keeper at Cape Maria van Diemen, and that his services were dispensed with without due inquiry being made into same. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the evidence before it is insufficient to enable it to arrive at any decision. 3rd October, 1894.

No. 568.—Petitions of B. C. Majoribanks and 36 Others, of Croyden. Petitioners, bushmen working in the Hokonui State Forest, pray—(l) That licenses should be granted for a certain time instead of for a certain quantity of material; (2) that, in case of disputes with the department having control of the forests, the bushmen should not be required to attend the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court at Invercargill, but at Gore, in the immediate locality; (3) that fines should be inflicted only before a Stipendiary Magistrate ; (4) that the regulations should permit of standing timber being cut. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, prayers (2) and (3) of the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th October, 1894.

No. 721. —Petition of J. H. Hume and 8 Others, of Auckland, Petitioners, school-teachers in the employ of the Auckland Education Board, state that the proposal of the said Board to reduce salaries by charging rent for the schoolhouses occupied by the teachers is contrary to the provisions of " The Education Act, 1877," &c. Petitioners pray for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, while admitting the Auckland Education Board may be within its legal rights in administering " The Education Act, 1877," in

No. Name. No. Name. No. Name. 523 531 532 536 538 545 546 547 548 550 551 552 577 578 579 581 Haines, Luther, and 2 others. Holloway, E. M., and 2 others. Johns, W. E. Ellis, Howard, and 3 others. Higginson, F., and another. Jameson, F., and another. Colhoun, J. L. Worsley, W, H, and 2 others. Millsop, J., and 2 others. Carter, C. W., and 9 others. Stewart, E. D., and 9 others. Newson, W. H., and 4 others. Hosking, F., and 2 others. Lowe, F. E. Campbell, H. Brook, J., and another. 582 583 586 590 591 593 594 602 603 604 607 608 609 610 613 621 Ohlson, F. J., and another. Wilson, T., and 5 others. Phillips, H., and 8 others. Spence, J. C. Short, A., and another. Burton, F. P., and 3 others. Gerrin, A., and 3 others. Collins, W. and another. Haselden, F., and 5 others. O'Donoghue, D., and 2 others. Blackmore, H., and 4 others. Jones, Sarah A. Murray, Jno. Kyst, F. W. McKenzie, W. E., and 7 others. Chappell, J. 629 630 631 632 633 647 657 661 663 672 673 674 677 687 698 Plummer, Mary. Hall, W. H. V., and 2 others. Elmsly, F. Gonnell, W. J., and 3 others. Eooney, Emma, and 6 others. Hegath, A. S., and another. Hearne, 0. T., and 2 others. McPherson, E. Hogwood, Jas., and 5 others. Sullivan, W., and 3 others. Henry, Margaret, and another. Oldham, A., and 2 others. Mcintosh, W. U., and 3 others. Crosbie, M. H. Wilson, H. B., and another.