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ance to the site of materials required in the erection of the lighthouse and buildings, and the stores for maintenance of the light, a concrete pier was erected on the slope of the rocks at the south-east end of the island, on which a crane was fixed, and the landing-pier connected with the site of the lighthouse by a tramway of about 73 chains long, laid with iron rails and properly equipped with wire hauling-rope, trucks, and horse-whims. A graded horse-road has also been formed from the boat-landing at the beach in the small bay, near the south-east point of the island, to the lighthouse. The total cost of the lighthouse and other works executed in connection with it was £9,349 9s'. lid. Fareiuell Spit. The present lighthouse tower, which is a framed timber structure, 100ft. high, erected in 1869-70, having become so much decayed in some of the principal parts of the frame-work as to render it defective, it has become necessary to provide for the erection of a new tower. Plans and specifications have, therefore, been prepared for a tower to be constructed of wrought-iron open frame-work, on concrete foundations; the height of the proposed tower being 75ft. from the top of foundations to the sole-plate of lantern. Godley Head. Owing to the rough character of the shore, and the heavy seas sometimes prevailing at Godley Head, the landing of stores from steamers tendering the lighthouse has always been difficult, besides being somewhat dangerous for the men and boats engaged in the work. It is, therefore, proposed to erect a landing-stage opposite the store on the beach, and fit up a crane, so that any material or stores requiring to be landed for the lighthouse can be lifted in slings direct from the boats to the store platform, and permit of the boats being kept afloat and clear of the rocks when landing stores in all weathers and at any time of tide. Plans have been prepared of the jetty and crane, the construction of which will be proceeded with immediately. The Brothers. Arrangements have been made for the construction and erection of a crane at the southern end of the island, to enable stores for the lighthouse to be landed during north and north-west gales, which cause a high sea on the north side of the island, and make it difficult for boats to approach the landing on that side. Opawa Biver. A number of large snags and groups of willow-trees that had become fixed in the channel of the river, and obstructed the passage of steamers to and from Blenheim, have been removed. Harbour-ivorhs, &c. Numerous plans and proposals for the construction of wharves, bridges, breakwaters, trainingwalls, and other sea, harbour, and river works, submitted by Harbour Boards and other local bodies, have been examined and reported upon during the year. W. H. Hales, The Secretary for Marine. Marine Engineer.