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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1893. 1894. MeFayden, Mrs. Helen, Mabel Bust McFetrick, A., Winton McGillvray Brothers, Riveradale McQ-owan, T. W., Waimumu, Mataura McGrath, Thomas, Lhnehills McGregor, George, Longridge, Balfour McGregor, John, Makarewa Bush McGregor, John, Springhills Mo&regor, William, Winton Mcllraith, J. & A. D., Mataura (Homebush, Christchurch) Mclndoe, John, Spar Bush, Waianiwa Mclntosh, Thomas, Ryal Bush Mclntosh, William, Druminond Melntyre, John, Grove Bush Melntyre, John, Long Bush McKay, Archibald, Dunsdale, Hedgohope ... McKay, James, Longbush McKay and Morrison, Hedgehope McKay, William, Wright's Bush McKellar Bros., Glenure, Balfour McKenzie, Abraham, Oteramilia McKenzie, Alexander, Wright's Bush McKenzie, David, Barkley Village McKenzie, Hector, Riversdale McKenzie, Jolm, Longbush McKonzie, John, and Sons, Woodlands McKenzie, Kenneth, Myross Bush McKenzie, Robert, Oteramika Gorge McKercher, J. and J., Woodlands McKinnon, James, Ryal Bush McKinnon, John, Wright's Bush McLaren, Robert, Charlton, Mataura McLean, Alexander, Dipton McLean, Alexander, Waianiwa McLean, Duncan, Balfour McLean, Hugh, Edendale McLean, James, Seaward Moss McLean, James, Winton McLean, J. J. H., Wright's Bush McLean, Jolm, Bemnore McLean, Roderick, South Hillend McLean, Thomas, Mount Pleasant, Winton... McLennan, K., Sand Hills, Invereargill McLeod, Allan, Winton McLeod, D., Limehills MeLeod, George, Dunvegan, Waianiwa MeLeod, George, Hcdgehope McMaster, John, Forest Hill, Hokonui McMath, Mrs. Mary, Grove Bush McMillan, Donald, Benmore McMurtrie, Francis, South Hillend McNaughton, David, Waianiwa McNaughton, Peter, Mataura Is., Edendale... McNaughton, William, Wright's Bush McNeil, Angus, Lochiel McNeil, Hector, Locheil McPhee, John, Balfour McPherson, Duncan, Waianhva McRae, Christopher, Hokonui McRae, Donald, Hokonui MeRae, Findlay, Hokonui McRae, Mrs. Isabella, Hokonui McRae, Johu, Hokonui McRae, Murdoch, Hokonui MeRae, Roderick, Eeirai, Long Bush McRae, William, Hokonui Mears, Edward, Balfour Merrifleld, John, Winton Millar, James, Mabel JBush Miller, Thomas, Oreti Plains Milligan, Mrs. E., Spar Bush, Waianiwa Milligan, William, Dipton Milne, John, Edendale Milne, Peter, Woodlands Milne, William, Mataura Mitchell, William, Kennington Monaghan, P. F., Croydon, Gore Moorabool Estate Co., Dipton Moore, C. D., Winton Moore, W. C, Waikiwi Morris, W. W.,jim., Glendhu, Mataura Morton, Messrs., Mabel Bush Morton, John, Oteramika Gorge 60 120 700 •5.5 54 280 187 140 250 2287 33i 40 1094 100 850 400 450 284 38 8189 30 872 45° 300 300 508 68 325 125 1396 16 250 400 92 95 39° 300 330 1165 440 125 188 1437 700 100 90 1412 798 Nil 32 252 169 150 300 2048 928 46 850 91 850 398 7 23 253 64 9233 20 876 353 498 376 489 Nil 63 490 198 1170 2S4 250 500 95 2020 80 120 Nil 332 262 2062 499 122 Nil 1025 S95 98 Nil 99 5° 275 274 200 174 500 300 200 446 1000 76 394 2.59 19 + 228 483 300 186 593 "293 266 696 782 182 400 Nil 245 668 790 92 375 50 198 104 1200 348 20 1000 800 186 148 199 50 100 118 400 4787 ■5 00 1712 300 142 256 198 86 9 C ls° 300 4438 1i° 20 90 670 52 150 652 67

No. of Slieop 011 April 30, April 30, 1893. 1894. Land and Loan Company of New Zealand, Victoria Park, Lurasden Xjang, Bros., Lochiel Langford, William, Winfcon Langlands, George, Waianiwa Lawrence, A. T., Seaward Bush, Invercargill Lawrence Brothers, Verulum, Makarewa Lawrence, G. H., Seaward Bush Lea, J. K., Winton Ledington, Thomas, Lochiel Lenihan, T., Otatara Bush, Invercargill Leonard Brothers, West Plnins Lewis, Griff, Winton Lewis, Richard, Winton Lindsay, R. C, G-arryowen, Waianiwa Little, James, Mabel Bush Little, Robert, Two Creeks, Edcndale Loftus, William, Myross Bush Logan, James, Woodend Looney, John, South HiUend Lopdell, J. E\, Bivevton Louttit, James, Balfour Lucas, John, Benmore Lush, James, Balfour Lyall Brothers, Myross Bush Lyall, Thomas, Ryal Bush Lynch.-G-eorge, Longridge Village Lynch, Patrick, Seaward Moss Lytle, J. S., Mabel Bush Macdonald, A. A., Reaby, Gore Macdonald, Andrew, Greenhead, Iledgehope Macdonald, Colin, Ryal Bush Macdonald, T. P., Ryal Bush Mackay, Alexander, Riversdale Mackinder, G-. J., Waianiwa Maclean, J. and D., Caroline Stn., Invereargill Macpherson, Mrs. Margaret, Hokonui Main, Alexander, [nvercargill Malcolm, Francis, Winton Malone, Michael, Lumsden Marjoribanks, David, Croydonvale, Gore Marr, Jamos, Balfonr Marshal], H., Edendale Marshall and Sons, Woodlands Martin, John, Edendale Martin, William, Oteramika Matheson, Roderick, Riversdale May, W. T., Winton McArthur, A., Woodlands McAvoy, James, Winton McCaldon, Andrew, Riversdale McCaldon, George, Gore McCallum, Daniel, Waianiwa McUallutn, Duncan, Winton McCallum, Duncan, Waianiwa McOallum, K., Woodstock, Woodlands McCallum and Son, Oteramika Gorge McCarthy, Andrew, South Hillend McCarthy, I)., South Hillend McCleery, Alexander, Longridge Village McClymont, Hugh, Limehills McConaehie, M., Lochiel McCrostie, James, AVaianiwa Mc'Crostie, John, Waianiwa McDonald, A. D., Wright's Bush McDonald, Alexander, Edendale McDonald, Alexander, Hedgehope McDonald, Alex., Limehills McDonald, Christopher, Hokonui McDonald, Donald, Balfour McDonald, Mrs. Elizabeth, Dipton McDonald, Prank, Hedgehope McDonald, Hector, Hokonui McDonald, J. A., Lumsden McDonald, James, Dipton McDonald, John, Hokonui McDonald, John, Edendale McDonald, John, Hedgehope McDonald, John, Mabel, Grove Bush McDonald, Thomas, Lumsden McDougall, John, Harringtons McDowell, H., Waianiwa McEwen, John, G-ap Road, Winton McFadgen, George, Woodlands 461 470 400 291 139 650 40 2.S° 36 170 496 170 180 285 85 144 48 346 60 35° 54 140 91 80 61 200 1000 385 683 18.? 120 1300 685 385 i2<;o 368 246 150 Nil 400 650 275 227 1206 7° 166 Nil Nil 600 140 189 2^8 64 144 148 846 384 Nil "83 271 125 89 37 6 217 150 187 1062 292 996 187 163 2200 637 400 1478 397 '93 Nil 80 281 288 II3 96 200 260 996 273 J28 IOO 300 296 419 35 197 US 688 5° 100 Nil I7S 186 192 Nil 500 290 200 500 146 Nil Nil 200 15 45 2 51 ■ 590 280 130 420 310 500 (>5 180 '4 393 5 2 800 300 290 ■1500 7' 700 200 200 39° 7 488 278 5 00 90 50 619 58= 117 2096 200 790 294 4° 5 3' 294 87 82 294 69 20O 412