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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1893. 1894. McKay, David, Manuka Creek McKay, Hugh, Pomahaka McKay, William, Roxburgh McICeich, Robert, Lawrence ... | McKenzie, A. F., Dunrobin McKenzie, Andrew, Park Hill McKinnon, John, Rae's Junction McLean, Charles, Dunrobin McLoughlin, William, Eoxburgh McMillan, Thomas, Tuapeka West McMillan, William, Waitahuna McPhail, Angus, Moa Flat, Dumbarton ... j McEitchie, Norman, Tapanui ... McBobert, John, Tuapeka Mouth .., McWhirter, J. S., Miller's Plat Michael, John, Lawrence Milne, George, Waitahuna iloffat, Archibald, Eae's Junction Moore, Mrs. Eliza, Lawrence Moore, Mrs. Mary, Tuapeka West Mouat, A., Tuapeka West Muir, John, Dunrobin Mullen, Charles, Tuapeka West Munro, Finlay, Lawrence Munro, John, Lawrence Murdoch, E., Waitahua West Murney,' Jame's, Moran Park, Tapanui Murray, George, Lawrence Murray, William, Waitahuna Osborne, William, Tuapeka West Oxenbould Brothers, Waitahuna Pearson, John, Lawrence Perry, William, Pomahaka Philiips, William, Beaumont Potts, Andrew, Tapanui ... : Potts, N. 0., Lawrence ... Poynter, G. P. B., Pomahaka Pringle, P., Miller's Plat Quinn, William, Tapanui Eamsay, William, Crookston Eanger, George, Heriot Real, James, Tuapeka West Eeid, Simon, Crookston Eovie, Archibald, Crooketon Richardson, Eobert, Miller's Flat ... Kidd, Eobert, Miller's Flat Robertson, Daniel, Spring Valley, Tapanui... Eobertson, Duncan, Waitahuna ... Robertson, James, Lawrence ... i Robertson, J. N., Lawrence ... [ Eobertson, John, Lawrence Eobertson, Peter, Lawrence ... 1 Robertson, Struan, Lawrence ... j Robertson, T. G., Heriot ... I Eobins, William, Lawrence Rodger, R. A., Tapanui Rose, John, Waitahuna Eoss, James, Lawrence ... Eoughan, Thomas, Waitahuna West Eowe, Alfred, Waitahuna Eyan, Jeremiah, W^aitahuna Scott, John, Waitahuna Scott, Thomas, Waitahuna Serymgeour, W. T., Teviot Station, Lawrence Shanks, W. J., Heriot Shearing, J., Springbank, Crookston ... Shearing, Samuel, Crookston ... Sheath, William, Tapanui Sheenan, John, Tuapeka West Shiels, Peter, Miller's Flat Sillars, John, Miller's Piat ... Sim, A. H., Heriot Sim, G. G., Crookston Sim, James, Crookston Sim, Thomas, Crookston Sim, W. F., Crookston Smith and Sons, Greenfield, Lawrence Smith, G. A., The Downs, Roxburgh ... j Smith, J., Fassifern, Tapanui ... Smith, John, Avoca, Tuapeka West Spencer, J., Dunrobin ... ' Steel, John, Miller's Flat Stevenson, Adnm,.Beaumont Stevenson, Daniel, Waitahuna 61 4.8 250 18 250 600 2103 82 33° 620 100 64 1400 1300 '5° 'S° 95° 45 iS° 900 200 190 80 92 92 400 97 1000 39° 288 93 484 300 479 108 386 395 300 700 100 300 1200 1300 300 250 400 190 579 383 800 I 3000 227 ! 1600 20 150 23OO 100 600 38 95 22500 100 975 79° 2500 95 200 500 152 535 1500 800 700 25800 ; 2000 1700 840 198 60 129 172 77 355 252 27 300 704 1695 466 45° 496 100 66 846 1390 100 Nil 25 1069 Nil 78 890 203 163 47 12 96 4°3 92 885 57° 382 95 576 300 684 179 300 435 308 488 "5° 281 1508 1700 400 242 500 385 Nil 163 426 2400 197 1900 Nil 256 2000 59 83 578 24 5 1 100 28176 96 990 893 2253 84 196 600 464 799 1082 796 573 32865 2383 882 584 243 24 96 244

:o. o; leep on April 30, April 30, 1803. 1S04. Stewart, John, Crookston Stewart, John, Tuapeka West Sutherland, John, Waitahuna Swan, Adam, Heriot faborn, James, Lawrence Pamblyn, H. A., Coal Creek Flat ["amblyn, John, Coal Creek Flat L'amblyn, Joseph, Coal Creek Plat Pbomson, Alexander, Kelso Lrimble, William, Waitahuna lubman, Edward, Dumbarton Pubman, Mrs. Margaret, Moa Flat, Dumbarton L'urnbull, George, Pomahaka talker, G. S., Lawrence A^atson, Campbell, Roxburgh iVaugh, William, Miller's Flat iVebster, John, Waitahuna tVelch, Mrs. E. M., Lee Stream, Outram ... Westcott, W. P., Cherry Farm, Ettrick iVhyte, A. R., Tapanui Wilde, Arthur, Waitahuna Grully jVilkins, Timothy, Dunrobin iVilliamson, Sinclair, Waitahuna A'ood, Robert, Beaumont .., Voodhouse, James, Roxburgh ... 5'3 39' 3000 300 88 250 300 285 400 190 300 900 460 240 74 58 i39 1070 270 41 49° 400 200 732 576 3 2o8 289 8 373 328 349 5 8o 282 795 1005 383 300 67 483 248 Nil 3°7 80 359 300 300 1118 "97 1000 960 (In Dunedin Subdivision). Blaikie, Hugh, Hermitage, Waitahuna 3uckland, J. C., Waipori Stn., Middleinarch 3erry, Samuel, Waitahuna iowen, John, Waitahuna Svans, Thomas, Waitahuna Grully hildaeth, Peter, Waitahuna 'ackson, Mrs. Catherine, Waitahuna ackson, William, Manuka Creek tedpath, Mra. A., Annslea, Waitahuna toss, John, Waitahuna lyan, Martin, Waitahuna 353,943 359-843 235 55°° 81 140 238 600 334 140 >S2 500 200 138 4935 75 ■56 227 695 3°8 '37 [69 400 400 7,640 367,483 8,120 Total in county 362,063 SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Warns, C. W., Otaraia Ldams, Henry, Raeburn, Mimihau Litken, Andrew, The Glen, Gore Utken, George, Wendon Valley Litken, J. A., Lasswade Fann, Waikaka Valley Litken, P. T., Waikaka Valley Litken, B. W. Winfleld, Wyndham Lllan, Alexander, Pukerau Lllan, James, Wyndham ., Lnderson, George, Mokoreta Lnderson, Henry, Otama Lnderson, James, Pine Bush Lnderson, James, Otama Bridge Lnderson, John, Gore Lnderson, John, Fortrose Lnderson, Robert, WhareRange, Gflre Lndrew, David, Kaiwera Archibald, Daniel Armstrong, William, Gore ... Ltkinson, Robert, Chatton Lyson, Alexander, Waikaka Valley Lyson, Thomas, Dunalister, Wyndham Lyson, William, Waikaka Jaird, George, Gore Ballantyne, John, Mokoreta, Wyndham 3allamtyne, John, Waikaka Barclay Bros., Wendon 3arron, Peter, Wyndham Jaxter, Mrs. Isabella, Otama Beange, Alexander, Oware, Wyndham 3«aton"i Kenneth, Tokonui Gorge 3eck, John, Wendonside 3ennett, J. W., Otaraia 3ews, Samuel, Mokoreta 31air, Robert, Otara ... Ulakie, James, Gore ... 873 243 430 560 775 1250 92 323 160 300 250 42 255 1000 '399 H74 123 496 599 567 1599 119 292 200 198 200 398 200 6S 177 997 200 188 315 180 2200 194 267 238 Nil 400 286 243 i7 1187 284 400 996 7 2 200 743 327 263 39 1361 200 100 1400 83 249 170 296 "5° 1011 300 400 800