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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on April 30. April SO, 1893. 1894. Dallas, John, Kaifcangata Dewes, Susan, Waitahuna Gully Dolan, Francis, Milton Donachie, James, Clarkesville Douglas, J., Little Valley, Millburn Draper, John, Milton Drinnan, James, Milton Drinnan, James, jun., Lovell's Flat Drinnan, William, Millburn Driver, H., Clarendon Estate, Millburn Duff, William, Mary Hill, Wailiola Duncan, James, Table Hill, Milton Dunlop, Archibald, Lovell's Flat Dunn, William, Riversdale, Milton Durrant, William, Waitahuna Elliott, George, Lovell's Flat Fahey, Martin, Rock View, Balclutlia Fahey, Patrick, Milton Fairbairn, Robert, Taieri Beach Falconer, 0., Glenkilrie, Milton Farquharson, John, Milton Featherstone, Thomas, Milton Fincli, John, jun., Millburn Finch, Mark, Milton Fletcher, Murdoek, Glenore Flett, H. B., Table Hill, Millburn Forrester, J.; Mrlton • Forsyth, A., Milton Forsyth, Charles, jun., Table Hill, Milton ... Foster, Godfrey, Millburn Fraser, Alexander, Milton Fraser, William, Lovell's Flat Frazer, James, Taratu, Kaitangata Gribb, Walter, Taieri Beach Gilroy, G. H., Stirling Glenlidi Estate Co., Akatore, Milton Glenn, John, Milton Graham, Alexander, Milton Graham, George, Manuka Creek Graham, Joseph, Waihola Grant, Frank, Milton Grant, George, Milton Green, S. E., Taieri Beach Grey, Annie, Adam's Flat Grey Brothers, Clarendon, Millburn Grey, James, Millburn Grey, John, Millburn Grey, William, Millburn Groves, W. H., Akatore, Milton Guthrie, H., and Others, Waihola (Dunedin) Ilagen Brothers, Clarkesville Hagen, Samuel, Table Hill, Millburn Haggart, Hugh, Wangaloa Haggart, J. and H., Wangaloa Haggart, Peter, Wangaloa Hall, George, Lovell's Flat Halpin, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Hanley, John, Clarkesville Hardie, L., Wangaloa Hare, William, Millburn Hard wick, Noah, Milton Harvey, George, Stirling Harvey, Henry, LovelFs Flat Harvey, James, Stirling Hawker, Henry, Stirling Hawker, Robt., Crescent Farm, Stirling Heads, Mrs. George, care of G. Heads, Melville St., Dunedin Henderson, John, Inch-Clutha, Stirling Hewitson, R. and W., Lovell's Flat Higgie, Andrew, Taieri Beach Higgie, John, Milton Hislop, A., Stirling Hood, Thomas, Clarkesville Home, Thos., Hillend Iloulislon, G., Mary Lea, Stoney Creek Howie, J., South Bridge, Milton Hughan, John, Taieri Beach Hutton, Peter, Glenledi, Milton Inglis, James, Milton Islip and Christie, Milton Jackson, William, Manuka Creek Johnson, IT. L., Berwick Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johnston, T. A., Lorraine, Balclutha 100 400 90 200 50 197 ■52 317 950 1131 1000 489 176 1878 270 294 280 40 35° 838 575 400 170 180 3i94 162 300 585 285 140 1400 29S 4425 200 >39 170 220 190 90 296 Nil 393 93 254 6o Nil 264 '73 458 780 1000 Nil 261 2084 2 53 382 Nil 81 394 850 507 100 300 "167 190 3295 47 173 146 597 362 195 1790 98 293 4140 Nil 182 109 177 Nil 160 197 55 905 190 800 1000 62 960 93 800 600 95 2078 289 167 92 I9S '53 500 110 262 261 2000 289 180 97 25' 100 70 200 9 65 500 193 280 500 '5' 196 ,67 130 200 1326 270 582 Nil 210 423 523 500 700 95 197 300 493 70 195 70 198 7 1 125 97 192 '53 390 Nil 400 .36 90 85 585 285 140 3°5 600 586 "37 60 847 549

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1893. April 30, 1894. Kane, James, Lovell's Flat Kelly, William, Kaitangata Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Milton Kilgariff, Thomas, Milton Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat King, Alexander, Stirling King, James, Stirling Kinlock, James, Milton Kirkness, James, Stirling ' ... Kreft, John, Milton Kydd, George, Wangaloa Lawrence, James, Sea View, Kaitangata Lawrence, Thomas, Kaitangata Liddell, J., Taieri Beach Lindsay, George, Birkenshaw, Milton Little, Thomas, Bishop's Lockhart, William, Milton Lowery, Alexander, Milton Lowery, John, Stirling Lowery, Thomas, Clarkesville Maekay, James, Wailiola Maley, Patrick, Milton Marshall, James, Southbridge, Milton Marshall, Matthew, Stony Creek Martin, G-eorge, Southbridge, Milton Martin, R., Adam's Flat Matthew, Charles, Millburn McCallum, Archibald, Table Hill, Milton ... McCallum, John, Table Hill, Milton MeCaw, William, Glenore McCorkindale, Adam, Manuka Creek McDiarmid, A., Inch-Clutha McDonald, George, Stirling McElrea, James, Milton McFaull, Hugh, North Branch, Milton McGill, Peter, Milton McGill, Peter, Milton McGuigan, James, Rosebank, Milton Mclntosh, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton McKay, Robert, Millburn MoKechnie, A., Milton McKenzio, Murdocb, Taieri Beach McLaren, A., Table Hill, Milton McLean, James, Southbridge, Milton McLean, William, Clarkesville McLeod, G., North Branch, Milton McMaster, D. (Bxors. of), Wailiola MeNeill, Henry, Circle Hill, Milton Merrilees, Jessie, Taieri Beach Miller, Clans, Manuka Creek Miller, W. H., Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. ... Mills, R., Milton Mills, R. and T., Southbridge Mills, Thomas, Milton Milne, James, Taieri Beach Mitchell, A., Glenburn, Wangaloa Mitchell, 1)., Ardmore, Wangaloa Moir, J. and R., Hillend Monfries, David, Table Hill, Milton Moore, George, Manuka Island, Balolutha ... Moore, William, Berwick Moore, W., and Sons, Milton Morgan, David, Glenledie, Milton Morrison, Archibald Stirling Morrison, James, Stirling Morrison, Malcolm, Kaitangata Mosely, John, Stirling Mosely, Joseph, Stirling Mosley W. S., Inch-Clutha, Stirling Muir, William, Manuka Creek Murray, Hugh, Forest Hill, Clarkesville Murray, Murdoch, Milton Murray, Robert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville ... Nelson, A., Crofthead, Lovell's Flat Nelson Brothers, Meadowbank, Clarkesville Newbigging, J. L , Milton N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Roxburgh, Glenore Noble, W., Hillingdon, Milton Ottrey, George, Milton Palmer, B. F., Meadow Bank, CLirkesville ... Palmer, John, Mount Stewart, Glenore Parker, Benjamin, Stirling Parker, Thos., Milton Paterson, R., Barney's Falls, Balclutha Paterson, R., jun., Hill End, Balclutha 162 94 245 88 85 120 500 400 95 100 100 182 696 190 250 90 197 5° 74 270 83 99 700 300 "83 .65 194 53° 321 500 1600 45° 191 746 '3' 600 5° 10 80 381 326 593 460 45° "So 9 1 100 293 99 88 122 18 Nil 6o 89 99 190 202 1283 114 197 3'8 235 83 140 30O 45 98 95 599 296 56 ,85 200 587 78 492 95 150 184 2I5 500 136 200 67 54 278 293 116 545 393 500 187 61 170 1100 98 291 76 119 669 992 206 560 252 2900 Nil '95 1100 67 273 110 660 975 208 500 190 2850 46 200 1200 200 34i 26 3:8 426 265 283 96 300 "85 400 70 704 96 14022 1000 4"3 397 295 420 96 282 55 4oo 74 Nil 195 12446 798 82 3000 56 1500 1329 Nil 9000 200 7020 385 450