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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on April 30, April 3[ 1893. 1894. April 30, 1894. (In Oarnaru Subdivision.) Chisholm, William, Palmeraton Dreaver, Mrs. Janet, Palmorston Galloway, W. B., Dunrobin, Dunbaok Gordon, Angus, Janet Peak, Paltnerston Graham, Mrs. A., Shag Point Guffie, David, Palmerston Jack, W. J., Palmerston McDonald, Hugh, (Executors of),Palmerston McGradie Bros., Palmerston McGregor, Charles, Palmerston McLeod, Donald, Palmerston Miller, James, Palmerston Russell, Andrew, Palmorston Skimming, L., Springbank, Palmerston Welsh, Thomas, Palmerston . 400 MS 2074 200 500 94 75 280 200 6oo 160 2658 200 300 90 42 297 3°3 18.S 577 493 630 Nil 87 6,620 35° 400 400 634 300 6,052 (In Dunslan Subdivision.) Hay, C. S., Macrae's Flat Matheson, J. E., Hartfield, Hyde McLennan Brothers, Macrae's Flat Teviotdale, Alexander, Hyde 6620 2000 45°' 1870 4140 699 4000 700 13.320 11,210 Total in county 152,594 156,840 WAIKOITAITI COITNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision.) Allcock, T. and S. H., Waikouaiti Apes, W., Puketeraki, Merton Bannatyne, Alexander, Waikouaiti Borthwick and Wilson, Whare Flat Bray, Benjamin, Waikouaiti Buckland, H., Kiatoa, Waikouaiti Cameron, Alexander, Flag Swamp Cameron, A. and R., Huminockeide and Flag Swamp Chapman, James, Dunback Clyma, John, Spring Farm, Beaconsfield Cockerel], B., Middlemarch Coutts, John, Jane Field, Palmerston Dempster, Thomas, Hawkesbury, Waikouaiti Dempster, William, The Glen, Waikouaiti... Diack, J. P., Waikouaiti Douglas, J., Mount Royal, Palmerston Dunbar, David, Waikouaiti Duncan, John, Corner Bush, Merton Duncan, Peter, Tumai, Waikouaiti Fraaer, &., Evansdale Fry, a. R., Waikouaiti Galbraith, John, Waikouaiti Gilmore Bros., Beaconsfield Hagan, Robert, Flag Swamp Hallum, John, Waikouaiti Heckler, W., Hawkesbury, Waikouaiti Jefferis, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp Jenkins, —, Waikouaiti Johnston, Thomas, Flag Swamp Kane, Peter, Fairview Farm, Beaconsfield ... Lo Brun, Ann, Cargill Street, Dunedin Lindsay, John, Flag Swamp Maeaulay, John, Flag Swamp Mackelden, Walter, Waikouaiti McBride, William, Cherry Farm, Waikouaiti McGill, James, Waikouaiti McRae, Alexander, Jfenthorn Nankivell and Sons, Waikouaiti Orbell, A. S., Waikouaiti Orbell, Mrs. Henry, The River, Waikouaiti Park, James, Waikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Peddie, Thomas, Macre's Flat Pratt, Thomas, Karitane Puddy, William, Flag Swamp Rawiri Mnirai, Karitana Souter, William, Flag Swamp Stringer, Robert, Flag Swamp Stronach, F., Waikouaili 800 5° 800 2200 800 16163 73° 800 596 200 400 24167 387 5000 34° 140 378 190 860 793 5° 1379 887 gio I3O79 398 39 2 1200 860 Nil 92 400 400 4'7 28228 383 4746 132S 150 395 162 896 699 595 2985 253 Nil 696 597 3 29 500 386 293 1010 404 400 3000 300 5° 492 600 "52 500 486 295 700 200 "95 1300 5°5° 13200 194 160 45° 1050 23 70 1200 250 850 1206 5200 14800 334 142 400 900 260 99 1272 140 1096 100 900

j No. of Sheep on April 30. April 30, 1898. 1894. Glover, F. G., Dunback Glover, J. E., Dunbaek Goodlcy, Alexander, Shag Point Gray, James, Dunbaek Grayson, William, Hyde Griffiths, J. and S., Macrae's Flat Hanlon, 1)., Moonlig'it Hartstonge, J., jun., Macrae's Flat Hayes, John, Moonlight Heffernan, William, Macrae's Flat Isbister Bros., Dunback Jones, Thomas, Macrae's Flat Kennard, Aaron, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Kennedy, David, Dunbaok Kennedy, James, Flag Swamp Kilgour, Alexander, Groodwood, Palmerston Kitchen, James, Palmerston Kitchener, II., The Grange, Dunbaek Lee, Matthew, Green Valley Lee, Robert, Macrae's Flat Little, William, Palmerston Margric, Robert, Palmerston Matheson, James, Palmerston Matheson, John, Palnierston Matheson, M., Hyde Matheson, M. B., Hyde Matheson, R., Morrison's McBean, Donald. Macrae's Flat McCulloch, William, Dunback MeCullock and Black, Moonlight McDonald, Bwen, Green Valley McDonald, Mrs., Goodwood, Palmerston ... McElwee, Robert, Palmerston McGregor, John, Walherao McLaren, Alexander, Grecnfold, Palmerston McLean, John, Macrae'B Flat McLeod, P., Islay Downs, Green Valley McBae, Duncan, Macrae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Morrison's Muir, A. G., Green Valley Muir Bros., Shag Valley, Palmerston Muir, David, Green Valley Muir, Ellen, Green Valley Munro, Donald, Palmerston Murray, John, c/o. Walter Murray, Dunback Murray, Mrs. Jane, Dunback Murray, Walter, Dunback N.Z. and A. Land Company, Goodwood Nolan, Mary, Moonlight O'Neill Brothers, Palmerston Paterson, W., Palmerston Phelan, Patrick, Macrae's Flat Philips, James, Dunback Phillips, David, Dunback Pollock, David, Green Valley Pollock, William, Green Valley Ritchie, James, Dunback Robertson, Wm., Blue Mountain, Palmerston Ross, David, Goodwood, Palmerston Ross, David, Meadow Bank, Palmerston Ross, Donald, Coulhill Farm, Palmerston ... Ross, George, Shag Valley Ross, James, Kartigi Estate, Shag Pomt Service, J., New Smithston, PalmerBton Sheehy, John, Moonlight Simpson, Alexander, Macrae's Sinclair, Nicholas, Hyde Sloan, G., Roebank, Flag Swamp Stanley, Thomas, Macrae's Flat Steel, Robert, Palmerston Stenhouse, Mrs. Janet, Palmerston Stewart, John, Dunback Stewart, John, Macrae's Sutherland, George, Palmerston Sutherland, J. and A., Palmerston Thompson, J. R., Macrae's Walsh, John, Green Valley Willcock, Lot, Dunback Wilson, Alexander, Dunback Wright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Young, Alexander, Flag Swamp 264 54 800 3°i3 1400 1O57 1200 360 300 1000 70 185 820 800 100 15017 410 25 100 183 2264 1484 570 680 580 194 140 500 IOO 2698 5000 "662 500 1300 3200 500 IOO 686 270 Nil 196 700 4320 1497 795 1294 384 353 1100 1200 95 332 1060 1108 15° i7'59 498 66 5° 5° 394 226 2'95 1683 1478 800 700 192 290 100 '57 132 523 100 3092 4100 749 54° "53° 2900 55° 100 IOO J55 1069 455 200 123 240 198 1.37 280 180 730 1100 4800 592 100 83 Nil 204 583 400 263 292 168 83 124 242 740 1300 4940 100 2082 2157 1000 142 1200 182 285 186 1696 523 70 192 448 183 587 375 1620 IOO 1787 375 700 265 1200 490 467 300 1400 700 280 497 398 273 1600 600 257 133,222 139,010