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No. of Snoop 011 April 30, April 30, 1893. 1894 Kerr, C, Dunsandel Kerr, John, Dunsandel Keys, G. A., Sheffield Kimber, Henry, Springston Kime, Henry, Springston King, G., Burwood King, J. J., Killinchy King, W., Springfield Kingsbury, Seth, Aylesbury Kinley, James, St. Albans Kinley, Joseph, St. Albans Kneeshaw, Thomas, Seiwyn Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill Knight, Silas, Rolleston Erase, O., Papanui Ladbroke, J., Springston Lamport, T., Glentunnel Lane, H. 15., Christchurch Ijangdale, James, Coalgate Langdon and Steele, Christchureh Larcombe, H., Templeton Law, J., Rollcston Leahy, James, Lakeside Lean, W. S., Yaldlmrst Leatham, T., Tai Tapu Leo, Moses, Glentunnel Lee, Mrs. Sarah, filentunnel Legg, James, Aylesbury •, Lemon, Samuel (Executors of), Doyleston ., Leslie, H. J. R., Courtenay ,. Levick, H., Whitecliffs Lewis, C, Halswell loll) George, Grange, Dunsandel Liiley, James, Southbridge Lilley, W., Waddington Limbrick, G. L., Taitapu Linnie, J., Springfield Locker, E., Greendale Lockhead, J., jun., Leeston Lockliead, Mrs. J., Dunsandel Loekhead, B. and J., Leeston Long, W., Darfield Long, William, Rolleston Lord, Thomas, Burnham Lorett, Joseph, Hororata Low, Levi, Kolleston Low, Mrs. Alexander, Dunsandel Lowery, J., Killinchy Lowery, W., Killincby Ludeminn, T., Lakeside Macintosh, Ewen, Hororata Mackle, J., Kirwee MacLeod, John, Templeton Maddison, F., Doyleston Madeley, T. Springfield Maffey, Richard, Hororata Magginnes, J., Templeton Magin, A., G-reenpark Malley, M., Styx Mangels, Johann, Tai Tapu Mangels, John, Tai Tapu Manion, P. Weedons, Rolleston Manning and Russell, Southbridge Manson, James, Kimberley Manson, James, jun., Kimberley Manson, H., Southbridge Marshall, P., Lakeside Marshall, George, Springston Marshall, J., Doyleston Marshall, John, Springston Marshall, W., Leeston Matheson, J., Darfield Matheson, D. G., Ayresdale, Sjpringfleld Matbeson, D. G., Grassdale, Springfield Mathias, Lewis, Leeston Matthews, William, Springston McCabe, ¥., Doyleston McCarten, ¥., Lakeside McCarten, Thoinas, Weedon's McCarthy, D., Prebbleton McCartney, T., Tai Tapu McCausland, C, Kimberley McCausland, T., Waddington McClelland, D., Killinchy 9s 96 26 187 296 500 500 400 8800 754 40 '45 600 200 iS 3 49 200 394 160 49 70 141 253 60 273 431 1100 34 190 25 399 335 662 7i 395 25 89 Nil ,85 534 '35 75° 178 529 487 Nil 45° 978 758o 455 170 45 196 20 706 160 232 67 150 495 Nil 48 71 36 40 58 42 469 1020 •5 267 "5 162 '4 435 4i5 595 372 140 694 5 147 212 162 143 200 500 600 '45 '83 J54 34 297 Nil Nil 78 Nil 300 163 60 25 300 238 36 '34 194 Nil 161 120 333 1650 133 249 200 '74 246 •93 213 5° 300 400 1900 12/3 46 129 235 176 400 285 300 354 5'3 2 200 39° 100 194 200 S8o '298 123 500 300 1700 1180 MS 20 187 200 455 322 199 111 70

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1893. 1894. MeClelland, II. W., Kimberley McClelland, W. W., Kimberley McClennan, W., Halket McClure, &., Leeston McConel, E., Christchurcb. McConkey, J., Doyleston McConnell, Henry, Fendaltown, Christchurcl) MeCormick, Thomas, Southbriclge McGormick, W., Lakeside McCrostie, Hugh, Greendale McDonald, R., Tcmpleton McDowall, Mrs., Styx McDrury, P., Halswell McEvedy, Peter, Southbridge MeGivern, J., Hororata McGregor, E. and A., Burnham Mcllraith, J., Lakeside Mcllraitli, James, Homebush Mcllraith, E., Southbridge Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mclntosh, Ewen, Hororata McKay > Alexander, Halkett Town McKay Brothers, Rakaia McKee, J., Killinchy McKee, T., Southbridge McKellar, John, Southbridge McKie, T. and W., Burnside, GHentunnel ... MoKinnan, D., Bankside MeLachlan, Alexander, Doyieston McLaehlan, Archibald, Doyieston McLachlan, J., Doyleston McLaughlin, Seaton, Dunsandel McLean, Q-., Greenpark, D., Killinchy McLennan, D., West Melton McLennan, William (Exors. of,) Halkett Town McMeehan, W., Springston McMillan, D., Waddington McMillan, D., Benchoroft, Southbridge McMillan, John, Dunsandel McMillan, W., Ellesmere McNae, Archibald, Courtenay MePhedran, D., DarJield McPherson, J and II,, Lakeside Meyer, J., Dunsandel Meyevhroff, II., Lincoln Miles and Co., Christchureh Miller, W., Ladbrook Milliken and O'Hnlloran, Springlield Mills, Mrs. John, G-reendale Milne, John, Halswell Minchin, W. (Executors of), Westwood, Waddington Monck, J. S., Sumner Moor, E., Brookside Moove, John, Slieflield ... Moorehead, Mrs. X)., Leeston Moorhead, M., Southbridge Moorhead, W., Southbridge Morgan, S. Q., Hororata Mori-ish, Richard. Craigleigh, Springston Morshead, J. T, P., Lincoln Morten, E. M., Mt. Pleasant, Cliristchurch... Morton, Mrs., Upper Eiccarton Mouldy, M., Doyleston Muir, J., Springston Muirhead, John, Templeton Mulholland, Daniel, Darfleld Mvmdie, W., Southbridge Munro, Eoderiek, Greendale Murchison, J., Acheron, Luke Coleridge Murchison, John, Lake Coleridge Murray, A., Brookside Murray, F. 0., Lincoln Murray, F. S. H., Lincoln Murray, J. G., Greenpark Murray-Aynsley, II. P., Christchurch Mutton, W., Lincoln Naismitb, N., Springlield Napier, George, Glentunnel Napier, John, Charing Cross Napier, W., Glenroy, Hororata Neave, F. D. S., Lawford, West Melton Needham, Thomas, Rolleston 1*1 400 i8 S '75 49 161 15° ■74 1700 100 107 250 1050 SO S°3 190 300 500 292 2038 102 99 98 1000 880 359 50 5° 93 706 '9 I TOO 1820 499 1086 593 1000 420 j ! 972 589 250 304 40 5° no 203 214 2270 Nil 121 785 273 574 Nil 770 190 388 576 281 Nil 113 97 98 1458 225 873 467 40 59 5° 10 35i 20 92 1639 25'5 816 ■397 550 487 84 Nil 1000 98 200 208 432 2009 2 882 100 230 220 477 2051 640 41 300 3°5 75 3° 180 600 260 8400 800 674 132 585 124 290 37 Nil 596 25S 8049 Nil 270 200 1225 42 260 14460 21800 44 193 192 1426 5 1 Nil 15660 23632 200 930 7^0 5828 38l J 1013 198 4425 382 22 161 98 268 372 Nil '37 621 1100 600 599