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10— H. 17A.




No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1893. 1804. Howarth, J., Bennett's Hunt, J., Loburn Hunter, A., Willow, Oust Hurly, Thomas, West Eyreton Hurse, J., Rangiora Inch, H., Oxford Inch, J., Oxford Ingram, J., Oxford Innes, J. and J., Mount Brown, Amberley ... Iverach, P., Loburn Ivory, W., Bennett's Jack, Daniel, Loburn Jack, James, Springbank Jackson, Joseph, Fernside Jacobs, William, Fernside James, G., Waikari James, J. A., Hawarden James, T. H., Leithfield Jamieson, G., Leitlilield Jeffs, E., Bennett's Jennings, H. J. J., East Oxford Jensen, A., Oxford Johnston, It., Waikari Jones, David, Oust Jones, G. T., Oxford Jones, John, Waikari Joyce, P., North Loburn Joyce, T., North 'Loburn Jury, W. H., Kaiapoi Kavanah, P., Loburn Kearns, J., Oboka Keats, G-., Oxford Keats, T., West Oxford Kelcher, Joseph, Fernside Kelcher, W., Flaxton Kelly, Francis, Swannanoa Kennedy, D. Sefton Kennedy, John, Sefton Kennedy, M., Springbank Kennedy, Murtagh, North Loburn Kennedy, Murtie, Hill Head, Springbank Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside King, C, Rangiora King, I, and R., Bennett's Kingsbury, Robert, Oust Kingsbury, S., Ashley Kingsbury, Seth, Oust Kinley, John, Rangiora Knowles, J., Oxford Kyrrison, G., Ashley Lahoar, John, Fernside Lane, L. H., Waikari Larsen, Arnold, Bennett's Lassen, H. A., Oxford Latto, James, West Eyreton Leach, Charles, Ashley Bank Leach, F. J., Eangiora Leatherland, William, Medbury Lee, A., Oxford Lee, G. W. H. (Exts.), The Warren, Oxford Leiteh, C, Rangiora Lewis, T., Clarkville Lewton, C, Amberley Lewton, James, Amberley Ligget, Robert, Waikuku Lilley, J., Rangiora Lilly, James, Oxford Lilly, John, Ashley Bank Lister, M. J., Balcairn Little, J., Mont Serrat, Waipara Little, James, Allandale, Hawai-den Livingstone, D., Bennett's Livingstone, Hugh, Oust Lock, J. C, Hill, Ashley Bank Lord, E., Ohoka Lord, T., Eyreton Lowcock, John, Arnberley Luers and Brown, Oxford Luers, F., Oxford Lukey, T. W., Waikari Luxton, 0. J., Rangiora Luxton, G. W., Rangiora Luxton, W. H., Rangiora Lynskev, M., Rangiora 102 62 628 248 i°5 60 449 1909 11000 3° 900 130 74 94 96 257 400 4 I.S94 '94 394 2200 3°° 348 37° 80 290 49 86 383 379 190 ;8o 116 340 400 60 156 96 721 392 Nil 98 2 73 2248 11000 45 400 137 192 124 81 142 226 Nil" 1100 227 621 1290 299 334 497 393 88 94 9 1 109 160 497 561 170 /■8 122 160 49i 400 Nil ,85 30 593 588 158 92 82 438 271 igo 80 85 4584 396 383 9i 197 S3 104 80 4781 198 445 9i 25' 268 76 Co 7' 5100 1077 99 40 3°° 324 9 ;i 155 700 5043 7480 68 300 55 4700 "39 Nil 60 300 256 Nil Si 205 249 7408 ss°° 298 116 190 80 400 400 1180 109 379 "59 17 49 392 ■5° 740 498 1080 197 446 xi8 94

No. of Sheep on April 30,| April SO, 1803. I 1894. Lynskey, W., Kaiapoi Macfarlane, M., Coldstream, Eangiora Maddeson, J., Soutlibrook Mahler, H., Sefton Mahon, Thomas, Oxford Maindonald, F. and W., West Eyreton Mair, John, Leithfiold Major, W., West Eyreton Mallock and Lance, Hawarden Mannering, T. S., Waikari Manning. J., Balcairn Manning, R. E., Medbury Manson, G-. Medbury Marsh, Robert, Oxford Marshall, J., Eyreton Marshall, J., Ohoka Martin, D. C, Loburn Mason, C. E., Hawarden, Waikari Mathers, John, Saltwater Creek Matbeson, D. G-., View Hill Mathias, V., Flaxton Matthews, W. C, Waikari May, G., Mt. Grey, Ainherley May, Eoberfc, Cotham, Leithfield May, Thomas, Springbank Maynard, J. E., Medbury Me Adam, Eobert, Amberley McAdain, William, Leithfield MeBriar, S. and J., Oxford MoCahon, J. D., Oxford McCallum, J. G., Amberley McOaw, Hugh, Balcairn McConnell, Gordon, Waikari McCracken, James, Hayland, Cast McCullen, D. T., Mason's Flat, Oust McDonald, T , Waikari McDonald, Thomas, Waikuku McDowell, James, Fernside McGillivray, J., Oxford McGowan, Mrs., Waikari McGrath, P., Oxford McGrath, T., Oxford McGregor, Mrs. W., Elaxton McIIolm, J., Fernside McHugh, M., Swannanoa Mcllrailh, W., Gust Mclntosh, Hector, Eernside Mclntosh, Hugh, Hawarden Mclntosh, Kenneth, Soutlibrook McKay, Hugh, Amberley McKay, M., Hurunui McKay, W., and Co., Woodstock, View Hill McKenzie, Duncan, Woodend McICie, James, Cust McLaren, Dugald, Leithfield McLaren, J., Gust McLauohJah, J., Springbank McLean, Alexauder, Balcairn McLean, Alexander, Sefton McLean, G. A., Leithfield McLean, Hugh, Amberley McLean, H. (Exrs. of), Glasnevan, Amberley McLean, John, Waikari McLean, Mrs., Leithfield McLelland, James, Motunau McLeod, John, Sefton McMorran, James, Kowai, Amberley McNally, M., Hawarden McNally, Nicholas, Amberley McNamara, D., Balcairn McNaught, T., Amberley McEae and Turnbull, Waipawa McRobert, W., Ohoka Mehrtens, D. and H., Eangiora Mehrtens, George, Ohoka Meikle, T., Amberley Mereditli, Richard, Cust Merrin, E., Coutts' Island Metherall, J. A. M., North Loburn Meyer, H., Oxford Mifes, E. M., Oxford Miles, T., Loburn Miller, D., Eyreton Milne, G-eorge, Fernside 86 900 299 285 860 111 97 59000 335° 3«J 1120 421 260 274 832 82 Nil 58865 4380 276 355 182 45 Nil 180 27 5° 8.52 82 18 857 9.1 178 1600 252 1600 198 382 68 83 297 110 51 360 348 111 150 318 81 Nil 800 7500 8 19 123 I°4S 172 500 500 80 5° 300 122 179 100 1000 800 325° 5000 740 168 188 150 50 go 43 73 1121 90 476 . 164 181 381 84 5° i7S 273 8000 185 34 118 699 400 38 850 75' 70 8i 483 93 224 99 2500 808 338' 5000 680 192 60 60 36 9 1 70 >5' 1172 1617 159 20 496 '85 269 100 805 140 976 473° 68 173' 180 40 497 135 2IO 15° 800 IOO 870 4852 83 160 130 173 j 699 10 I 12 140 200 487 994 Nil 121 21 22 78O 47 125 in 11 iS 4i 253