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Name of Maori Owner. Amount to be paid. £ s. d. Hirini Tutu, as successor to Paora Tutu 8 0 0 Te Peka Marotiri 8 0 0 Arapeta Potae 8 0 0 Henare Potae 8 0 0 Kereana Potae, as successor to Karauria te Kani 8 0 0 Peta Kurekure 8 0 0 Wiremu Konohi, successor to Eru Floki 8 0 0 Hoani Muhu 8 0 0 Hari Mokoera 8 0 0 Mihi Pahura 8 0 0 Teone Henihana, as a successor to one-fourth share of Tamata Koaha ..200 Hori Matua, as a successor to one-fourth share of Tamati Koaha 2 0 0 Hopara Konoha, as a successor to ons-fourth share of Tamati Koaha 2 0 0 Eopata Wahawa .. 8 0 0 Tv Maurirere, as a successor to one-third share of Tamaki te Eangi 2 13 4 Eaiha Tautau, as a successor to one-third share of Tamaki te Eangi 2 13 4 Eria Manu, as a successor to one-third share of Eapata Hoe 2 13 4 Hare Eangiuia, as a successor to one-third share of Eapata Hoe .. 2 13 4 Hemi Kaipau 8 0 0 Tama Pahura, as a successor to one-third share of Pateriki Pahura 2 13 4 Hatiwira Pahura, as a successor to Paterika Pahura 2 13 4 Katarina Pahura, as a successor to one-third share of Pateriki Pahura 2 13 4 Eaniera te Heuheu ... 8 0 0 Tuporaka Komaru, as a successor to one-third share of Peta Komaru 2 13 4 Kupara Komaru, as a successor to one-third share of Peta Komaru 2 13 4 Keita Komaru, as a successor to one-third share of Peta Komaru 2 13 4 Heremia Taurewa 8 0 0 MaraeaToko 8 0 0 2. It is further ordered and decreed that from and after the said 18th May, 1895, the said J D. Ormond, his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall no longer be entitled to use and occupy the whole Anaura Block, but he and they shall henceforth be entitled to use and occupy as lessee or lessees that portion of the said Anaura Block called Anaura D Block, containing 4,621 acres, described as follows Commencing at a point on the Hikuwai Stream called Papaheketanga, thence north-easterly by a straight line parallel to the southern boundary of the Anaura Block, sufficient to contain 200 acres, known as Anaura B, by producing a straight line at right angles until it strikes the Eaponga Stream, thence following the said stream to the bridge on the Tokomaru Eoad , thence by a straight line to the Hikuwai Stream thence following the course of the Hikuwai Stream in a northerly direction to a point marked "A on the plan , thence by a straight line in a southerly direction until it strikes the Tokomaru Eoad, thence by the western side of the said road at a point marked "B" on the plan thence north-easterly by a straight line in the direction of the corner of the Tokomaru Coast Eoad, near the stream called Waitata, marked " C " on the plan, previously including all the paddocks, and following the line of external fencing on the northern side to its contact with the said road north of the point " C " , thence by the western side of the said road to the corner marked " C," near the Waitata Stream thence by that stream to the sea-coast, thence southerly by the sea-coast to the northern boundary of the Kaiaua Block, thence south-westerly by the northern boundary of the Kopuatarakihi No. 1 Block, excluding 200 acres of the land known as Anaura C, the boundaries of which are more particularly described as commencing at a bridge on the old road on the Parakawai Stream thence by a straight line southeasterly until it touches the southern boundary of the Anaura Block , thence along the said boundary in a north-easterly direction to a point sufficient in distance to contain the required area between the southern boundary and the old road aforesaid by producing a line at the right angles to the boundary to the said road, thence along the said road to the bridge, thence from the southernmost point of the Anaura C Block, following the southern boundary of the Anaura Block in a south-westerly direction, to the Hikuwai Stream, thence by the said stream to Papaheketanga, the starting-point, excepting only from the above 4,621 acres, the grave-yards near the Anaura Homestead. 3. It is further ordered and declared that the said lessee or lessees shall be entitled to such use and occupation of the said 4,621 acres for the term of seventeen years, to be computed from the said 18th May, 1895, yielding and paying therefor the annual rent of £186 13s. 4d., on the 18th May in each and every year, the first of such payments to be made on the 18th day of May, 1896. 4. It is further ordered and decreed that until the further order of this Court the said rent of £186 13s. 4d. shall be paid and payable to the said several persons who have signed the said contract for a lease dated the 18th of May, 1891, and their successors, in the following proportions, that is to say : — AT , , r • Amount to be paid. Name of Maori Owner. „ , * Hirini Ahunuku 8 0 0 Hare Waiti, successor to one-fourth share of Pita Houao 2 0 0 Hare Pini .. 8 0 0 Piripi Kohea, as a successor to one-fourth share of Pita Houao 2 0 0 Piripi Kohea, as a successor to one-half share of Hami Kohea 4 0 0 3—G 2.