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that all parties had agreed to the said apportionment as between the sellers and the non-sellers, and had also agreed that the said apportionment should be made to the said Andrew Eeeves instead of to the said Native vendors hereinbefore named And whereas no person who appeared before this Court has objected to the said agreement, and consequently apportionment to the said Andrew Eeeves of the said parcel of land known as the Uawa No. 2a Block, and it is considered that the said agreement was a just and fair settlement, and ought to be adopted by this honourable Court Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered declared and decreed as follows :— 1. It is ordered that the block of land containing 322 acres and 13 perches, described as the Uawa No. 2a Block (an approved plan whereof is endorsed hereon), shall be the property of the said Andrew Eeeves for an estate in fee-simple in possession free from all encumbrances, and it is hereby further ordered that all other titles to the said land known as the Uawa No. 2a Block shall be henceforth void and of none effect in so far as they affect the said Uawa No. 2a Block, whether the same be vested in the said Andrew Eeeves or in any other person whomsoever, and that the registration of all other titles shall be cancelled and of none effect in so far as affects the said Uawa No. 2a Block. Witness the hand of his Honour George Elliott Barton, Esquire, Judge, and the seal of the said Validation Court, this 28th day of July 1894. G E. Barton, Judge.

whangara block. In the Validation Court at Gisboene. In the application of Charles Seymour for validation of fifty-eight contracts for sale of freehold interests in the Whangara Block, situate in the Gisborne Native Land Court District, and within the jurisdiction of the Validation Court sitting at Gisborne , and in the further application of the said Charles Seymour for a decree charging the said block with payment of £670, and interest at £8 per cent, per annum, for certain surveys made by Edward O'Meara, surveyor, under an agreement dated the 11th day of June, 1880 , and in the further application of the said Charles Seymour for payment to him of costs awarded to him by the Court of Appeal of New Zealand and by the Supreme Court, and of £250, with interest at £8 per cent, per annum from the 11th day of January, 1881, as the balance due upon certain promissory notes given by the Native owners in the said block and in the cross application by the Native owners of the said Whangara Block for specific performance of an agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1890, made between the said Native owners of the one part, and the said Charles Seymour of the other part, whereby all matters in difference (including the subject-matters of the above applications of the said Charles Seymour) between the said parties thereto were settled upon the terms therein set forth. Thursday the 6th Day of Septembee, 1894. Upon reading the application aforesaid of the said Charles Seymour, filed in this Court, and upon proof of the service thereof upon the objectors named in the said application and upon reading the aforesaid memorandum of agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1890 and upon hearing the evidence adduced before the Court by all the parties appearing before it, and upon reading the several documents exhibited in evidence and upon hearing Mr Finn and Mr Chrisp, of counsel for the said applicant Charles Seymour and upon hearing Mr William Lee Eees and Mr Edward Eees, of counsel for the Native owners of the said block, claiming specific performance of the said agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1890 and upon hearing Mr Arthur Eees, of counsel for Hirini te Kani, an owner in the said block, and of counsel for Mr William Lee Eees and Wiremu Pere, claiming interests and rights against the owners of the said Whangara Block, as mortgagees of certain interests in Allotment No. 47, of the Makauri Block, for moneys advanced on behalf of the Native owners in the said Whangara Block, and of counsel for the said William Lee Eees and Victor Grace Day, solicitors, claiming as mortgagees of the rents against the owners of the said Whangara Block, and upon hearing Mr Edward Francis Harris, an owner, as successor to Hunia Kehukehu, an original owner, deceased, and upon hearing Karaitiana Amaru, an owner, as successor to his mother Hera Muka, an original owner, deceased, this Court doth declare, order, and decree as follows :— 1. It is declared that the several contracts for sale to the applicant Charles Seymour made by the following persons, owners in the said Whangara Block—Eawiri Maki, Hori Peita, Hira Punua, Pipi Haokai, Pipi Haokai as successor of Paratene Tototahi, Pipi Haokai as devisee under the will and as successor of Paora Hokotaro, Henare Pei as successor to Pera Puhipuhi, Eomari Puhipuhi as successor to Pera Puhipuhi, Eawiri Karaha, Eawiri Karaha as successor to Torotia Kanapa, Pera Whakatete, Tiopira Kaitara, Taopoaka, Hoani Poihipi, Pera Whakatete as successor to Epiniha Whakatete, Pera Whakatete as successor to Marara te Eama, Heni Eakaia as successor to Karanama Keke, Tiopira Potango as successor of Torotia Kanapa, Hemi Tawhitawhi, Eawiri Pukehuia, Henare Pei, Heni Hinaki, Miriarna te Ahipare, Eahera te Kakahu, Hare Nahonaho, Eruera Taruke, Heta Mangungu, Nikorima te Palm, Taraipine Taiki, Epiha Parau as successor of Eaniera Kauheke, Hami Keiroiroi, Euta Hape, Akinihi Weku, Eaihania Karaka, Enoka Whakatete as successor of Epiniha Whakatete, Enoka Whakatete as successor of Marara te Eama, Enoka Karoro, Wi Wharekino, Maihi Akurangi, Eapata Taita, Karauria Huatahi as successor to Paora Kahekahe, Tamati te Ota, Heni Mohi, Apiata te Hame. as successor to Natene Hira, Mere Karaka, Te Hapi Kutia as successor to Karaitiana Hapi, Eawiri Karaha as successor to Mihaka Ngahue, Arapeta Eangiuia as successor to Nihaka Ngahue, Hone Hira, Euihi Mautatua as successor to Hare Wahie, Hunia Kehukehu as successor to Hare Wahie, Tamati Piki, Emere Tuatere, Emere Ngahue as successor to Mihaka Ngahue, Hoani Piwaka, Mere Karaka as successor to Eahera Eukupo, Eaihania Eangi