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Enclosure in No 38. The Hon. the Peemiee to the Agent-Genebal. (Telegram.) Wellington, 10th August, 1893. Fe'isco Mails W T eek later despatch from London commence September 9th. Every fourth Saturday thereafter No change this end. Advise Post Office.

No 39 The Seceetaey, General Post Office, to the Managing Dibeotob, Union Steam Ship Company Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sib,— ' 10th August, 1893. Adverting to my letter of the 21st ultimo, in reference to the change in the time-table of the San Francisco mail-service in respect of the despatch from London, I have now the honour to inform you that the Hon. the Postmaster-General has decided to make the change next month. The next mail via San Francisco from London will, therefore, be despatched on the 9th instead of the 2nd September, and will leave San Francisco on the 21st. The Agent-General and the department's Eesident Agent in San Francisco have been so informed by cable. I have, &c. The Managing Director, W Gbay, Secretary Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Wellington.

No. 40. The Seceetaby, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Kesident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sib,— 10th August, 1893. In connection with the despatch of the mails from London and San Francisco a week later than heretofore, commencing with the next despatch from London, I have the honour to confirm my cable message of this day's date. As the cablegram would intimate, the mails, instead of leaving London on the 2nd September, and San Francisco on the 14th September, and on every fourth Saturday and Thursday thereafter, will leave London on the 9th September and San Francisco on the 21st September, and every fourth Saturday and Thursday thereafter I have, &c, W Geay, Secretary H. S. Smith, Esq., Sun Insurance Company, California Street, San Francisco.

No 41 The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Deputy Postmasteb-Geneeal, Sydney (Telegram.) Wellington, 10th August, 1893. Fb'isco Service and my telegram of Ist.—Commencing next month, London and Frisco despatch will be a week later than at present. Leave London 9th, Frisco 21st proximo, and every fourth Saturday and Thursday thereafter

No. 42. The Secbetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Deputy Postmasteb-Genebal, Sydney Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sib,— 11th August, 1893. I have the honour to enclose copies of my cablegrams to you of the Ist and 10th instant, intimating that the Postmaster-General was of opinion that the mails via San Francisco should leave London a week later than at present, so as to reduce the unduly long interval in the colonies between the arrival and despatch of the mail steamers. On receipt of advice from the Union Steam Ship Company that their agents in San Francisco agreed to the later dispatch, I at once cabled you that the alteration would take effect as from the 9th proximo. I have, &c, The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney W Gbay, Secretary

No 43. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Pbemieb. (Telegram.) London, 18th August, 1893. With reference to telegram 10th, Imperial Post Office arranged accordingly, commencing 9fch September.