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2. Geneeal Statement of Beceipts and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1893. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance in hand and in bank at begin- By Management—Office salary 75 0 0 ning of year 582 9 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances 1,176 15 6 Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit from Boarding establishment 20 6 3 last year 1,355 4 7 Prizes 8 8 10 Bank of New South Wales, fixed deposit Printing, stationery, and advertising 60 9 3 from last year .. 403 0 0 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. 56 13 9 Endowments — Fencing, repairs, &c. . 33 18 0 Current income from reserves 563 12 1 Insurance and taxes £18 15 0 Interest on moneys invested and on un- Less refund part rates on paid purchase-money 83 13 0 boarding establishment 2 9 0 Paid by School Commissioners 99 1 4 16 6 O School fees, Boys' School 253 7 6 Expended on buildings, boys' boarding Books, &c, sold, and other refunds, Boys' establishment 239 9 4 School 0 8 0 Reserves —Rates, and expenses of leasing 22 5 3 School fees, Girls' School . 227 16 0 Chemicals 014 10 Books, &c, sold, and other refunds, Girls' Legal expenses, obtaining payment of School 0 6 0 school fees 0 10 6 Donation for prizes 2 2 0 Expenses of High Schools Board special committee 22 4 0 Sundry expenses, stamps, telegrams, &c. 16 17 2 Balance— In Bank of New Zealand on fixed deposit 1,355 4 7 In Bank of New South Wales on fixed deposit 403 0 0 In hand and in bank at end of year 62 16 5 £3,570 19 8 £3,570 19 8 J Walkee Bain, Chairman. Chaeles Bout, Treasurer Examined and found correct.—James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General.

3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st December, 1893. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit 1 355 4 7 Sundry accounts unpaid—W Craig and Co., Bank of New South Wales, fixed deposit 403 0 0 £5 10s. ; Christchurch Press Company, Bank of New Zealand, balance current ac- £1 Lyttelton Times Company £1 Wescount 62 16 5 ney Bros., £12 12s. 19 12 0 Rent of reserves due and unpaid 250 18 7 Reserves sold on deferred payment, instalments due and unpaid 365 5 7 Interest due 54 15 9 School fees due and unpaid 65 1 1 Furniture of boarding establishment 60 0 0 Freehold property, Sections 26, 27, and 28, Block XIII., Town of Invercargill. Reserves vested in Board by Acts of the General Assembly. Invercargill, Bth February, 1894. Chaeles Bout, Treasurer Examined and found correct—James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General.

4. Work of Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Latin Livy, XXII., JEneid, 1., Bradley's Arnold , prose , unseen translation , Boman History and Antiquities. English Chaucer, Brologue, Julius Caesar (part), Henry V (part), Comus Stopford Brooke's English Literature, Morris's Historical English Grammar, Mason's Grammar, essays, paraphrasing. French Moliere, L'Avare, Gautier's Scenes of Travel, Brachet's French Grammar, Blouet's Brose, Part 11. Mathematics Arithmetic, the subject, algebra, up to progressions , Euclid, Books 1.-VL, with deductions, trigonometry, solution of trig, equations. Science Chemistry heat. Lowest. —English Scott's Waverley, Macaulay's Lays, recitation, Mason's First Notions of Grammar, Longmans' English Composition. History Gardiner's, 1603-1714. Geography Betrie's. Latin Principia, Part 1., gradatim. French Bue's First French Book, Macmillan's First Beader. Arithmetic Compound rules, weights and measures. Science The elements of sound and chemistry

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,500 copies), £22105. 6d.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

Price 9d.]