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selves at school, and, consequently, do not care. We have continually written to the Board prophesying the result which is now proved, as it was well known here that these uninterested men had not the welfare of our school at heart. I have, &c, The Secretary, Board of Education, Auckland. G. Cheistensen

Sic, — Mangonui, 28th February, 1894. Some time ago I wrote you a letter re Fairburn trouble , it was marked on the outside " Private " I hear you have made this public, and given it to this teacher's father I cannot believe you would do this thing. If it has got into his hands I hope you will demand it back, as I look upon it as personal between you and me. The reason I suggested the change was purely for the benefit (as 1 thought) of the girl. When living in Mangonui she often stayed at my house. I always looked upon her as a very respectable girl, and I thought the only way to save her from the evil influence that was at work was to write. It is reported down here you have given my private letter to this man, and he is going to go for me. lam sorry, as I believed I was doing God's will. I can leave it in His hands, as my motive was pure. Yours, &c, Mr Udy W H. Peossbe.

Deae Sic, — Fairburn, 31st January, 1894. I called on Mr. Fisher, as requested by Miss Wrigley, and he would not accept the keys unless I paid expenses. I also called on Mr McKay, and he refused them. Kindly request Mr. Fisher to hand over Miss Wrigley's private property, and take the keys. Yours, &c, The Secretary, Board of Education. Thomas Whitehead. P.S.—Mr. Fisher holds a correct copy of all school property, so that there can be no mistake.

Sic, — Education Board, Auckland, sth March, 1894. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 28th ultimo, complaining of the use made of the letter written by you to the Board on the dispute between the Committee and teacher at Fairbum's Eoad. In reply, I am directed to forward to you a copy of your letter dated sth September, 1893, which was not marked " Private." I am, &c, Mr W H. Prosser, Mangonui. Vincent E. Bice, Secretary

Section 4.— Peintbd Cobeespondence between the Te Eahu School Committee and the Auckland Education Boaed re Case Weigley v. Fishee. [This has already been laid on the Table of the House.] Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not givon ; printing (1,200 copies), £9 Bs.

Authority Samuel Gostall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

Price 6d.]