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I know the registers are not the property of Miss Wrigley, as you say, but the point is not who should have these registers and keys, it is how to get them from Miss Wrigley, who now, as in the past, seems to be able to do just what she likes, and with impunity That she has defied the Committee all along, and now continues to do so, is not the fault of the Committee, but of the Board itself in permitting it. I send you enclosed nominations for election to the Board of Education, Auckland. I remain, &c, To the Chairman, Board of Education, Auckland. Thomas Fishee, Chairman.

Sic, — Education Board, Auckland, 22nd January, 1894. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 15th instant, and to state in reply that Miss Wrigley has been instructed to communicate with Mr Whitehead, in order that the school-registers may be immediately delivered to the Committee. Will you please see Mr. Whitehead and arrange with him accordingly, that he may remove any of Miss Wrigley's property from the school. I have, &c, Vincent E. Eioe, Secretary The Chairman of the District School Committee, Pairburn's Eoad.

Sic, — Pairburn's Eoad, Mangonui, 24th January, 1894. Your favour dated the 15th instant duly received, requesting me to expedite the forwarding of the school-registers. I shall be most happy to do what I can, and have given Whitehead twelve hours' notice to give up the keys, or legal proceedings will be taken to recover the keys from him. He, however, persists in refusing the keys, saying they are the property of Miss Wrigley. The presumption of this clique is preposterous, and needs repression. I remain, &c., The Secretary, Board of Education, Auckland. Thomas Pishee, Chairman.

Deae Sic, — Fairburn Eoad, Mangonui, 26th January, 1894. The Board's letter of the 22nd instant date duly received. Two members of the Committee waited on Whitehead yesterday, when he again refused them the keys, and denied having received from Miss Wrigley any instructions to give up the registers. I advised you last week that the Committee have instituted legal proceedings to obtain recovery of these keys of the school, when, of course, we shall be able to forward the registers. I remain, &c, The Chairman, Education Board, Auckland. Thomas Fishee, Chairman.

Sic,— Education Board, Auckland, 15th February, 1894. In reference to your letter dated the 30th December, I am directed to inform you that the Board considers it unnecessary to take any further action regarding the matter in dispute between the late teacher and the Committee. I have, &c, Vincent E. Eice, Secretary The Chairman of the District School Committee, Fairburn's Eoad.

Deae Sic, — Fairburn, Mangonui, 17th April, 1894. I have this week received some copies of letters addressed by Mr. Carl Christensen to the Board, and which the Board has hitherto refused to the Committee. These letters accuse and vilify the Committee. They are dated the 6th September, 1893, and the 14th, 20th, 21st, 21st, and 28th November, 1893. There are others which I have not got yet. Is it on the strength of these letters that the Board has refused this inquiry we asked for ? and, if not, on what other evidence then? I submit there is no other evidence. These letters are a mass of gross falsehoods, which could bear no inquiry here, and the Committee are willing to pay half the expense of inquiry if it fails to prove this. The Committee were elected in 1893 by a large majority, and have retained the confidence and approval of a large majority of the householders, as will be proved again by the almost unanimous re-election of the same Committee by the householders next week. Christensen can only poll three votes besides his own. For having turned him out, to end his evil influence, he seeks to, with the aid of the Board, work the ruin of the five Committee members who have been working in the interest of the Board solely To expose this malice, and in the interest of the district and education, we call on the Board to do their simple duty by making an inquiry I remain, &c, The Chairman, Board of Education, Auckland. Thomas Fishee, Chairman.

Deae Sic, — Fairburn's Eoad School, Mangonui, 23rd April, 1894. I have pleasure in handing you enclosed herewith a form with names of School Committee just elected at a meeting of householders held here this date.