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6—B. 1.


Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 11,058 3 0 !LASS II.—COLONIAL SECRETARY— continued. Vote No. 14—Miscellaneous Services— continued. Item 13—Compassionate allowance to M. Corliss, late keeper, Quarantine-station, Wellington Item 14—Compassionate allowance to widow of G. Sampson, messenger, Legislative Council Item 15—Compassionate allowance to Charles Campbell, on account of injuries received on railway Item 16—Gratuity to William Laurence, for damage sustained, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Item 17 —Compensation to A. J. Coghlan for damage to property, caused by fire from railway engine (additional) Item 18 —G. Boss, compensation for loss of office in the New Zealand Eailways Item 19 —Grant to the widow and daughter of the late Premier (John Ballance) Item 20 —Grant in aid to the Royal Humane Society of Australasia Fire Brigades' Annual Demonstration, — Item 21 —Grant-in-aid Item 22—Railway passes 25 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 140 0 0 3,000 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 117 6 10 367 6 10 Item 23 —Payment to W. L. Fowler for sheep destroyed in 1886, recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Item 24—Payment of honorarium to twelve members of the Legislative Council from the date of their appointments Item 25—Eefund to G. Fisher of moneys embezzled by the late Stationmaster, Dunedin Item 26 —Bonus to aid flax industry Item 27 —Bonus for wire-netting Item 28—Cost of the Kauri-gum Industry Inquiry Commission Item 29 —Cost of work done by Surveyor-General's Department Item 30—Allowance to the Agent-General for expenses of removal from New Zealand to London Item 31—Expenses of public funeral to the late Premier Item 32—Introduction of salmon ova Item 33—Stewart Island County, liabilities in connection with formation of county Item 34— Imperial Institute, freight on exhibits, cost of fittings, cfec, New Zealand Court Item 35—Salary of Resident, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Item 36—Contribution towards cost of printing Acts, &e., for Earotongan Government .. Item 37 —Insurance on old Government Printing Office buildings, claimed by Wellington Hospital Trustees 220 17 6 851 15 6 89 3 9 100 0 0 557 13 10 41 4 11 500 0 0 302 18 8 195 18 6 52 0 0 389 1 10 500 0 0 52 0 0 1,500 0 0 £20,283 4 4 Total net expenditure, Vote No. 14 !LASS III.—COLONIAL TREASURER:— Vote No. 18 —Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Expenses attending the annual drawings of debentures under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Crown Agents' commission, at J per cent., on redemption of £51,100 Consols Notarial charges Advertising and printing Item 2—Exchange and commission,— Commission paid Bank of New Zealand on remittances by telegraph in the colony Commission on payment of dividends, — Bank of New Zealand Union Bank Crown Agents 255 10 0 15 15 0 23 18 9 24 13 1 21 9 0 212 11 2 796 15 0 295 3 9 Commission on money-orders Exchange on drafts, — On Australia.. On London 258 13 3 4 3 6 Union Bank, commission on bonds of " The Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Act, 1860," paid off 3 2 1 0 8 8 3 10 9 142 10 0 962 11 4 Less amount received from Public Trust Office, Government Insurance Department, &c. 1,205 12 6 243 1 2 Item 3—Fee to Sir P. G. Julyan, as Financial Adviser to the Government, from the 5th February, 1893, to the 4th November, 1893 300 0 0 1,557 15 1