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(c.) Machines shall only be taken over the bridge during daylight. (d.) The owner of any machine shall be liable to the Eailway Commissioners for any damage done to the bridge or railway during its transit. 4. No load shall be taken over the bridge greater than 1|- tons gross per wheel except with tires Sin. broad or wider; and no load over 2 tons per wheel shall pass over except under the regulations for machines ; and loads greater than 2 \ tons per wheel are entirely prohibited from crossing over the bridge. 5. The permit shall be shown on demand to any railway inspector or ganger on the line of railway. 6. Any person or persons offending against any of these regulations, or giving untrue information concerning particulars required for entering in any permit according to these regulations, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding £10. 7. So far as applicable, the general by-laws and regulations for the time being respectively in force and affecting the traffic on the New Zealand railways shall extend and apply to the Maerewhenua Bridge. In witness whereof the common seal of the New Zealand Eailway Commissioners was hereunto affixed this twenty-seventh day of October, one (1.5.) thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, in the presence of— James McKekbow,l -d -i J.P.Maxwell, r B^^ W.M.Hannay; f Commissioners.

THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. By-law No. 22. By-law for New Zealand Government Railways. The- New Zealand Eailway Commissioners, in exercise and pursuance of the powers conferred by " The Government Bailways Act, 1887," do hereby make the following by-law (in substitution for No. 9 of the by-laws dated 25th October, 1882), that is to say:— By-law. Any person joining a train at a booking-station without having previously provided himself with a ticket shall, on demand by any Stationmaster or person authorised by a Stationmaster, or by the guard in charge of the train, pay sixpence in addition to the ordinary fare. Every person who shall commit a breach of the provisions of this by-law shall, upon conviction be liable to a penalty not exceeding £10. The common seal of the New Zealand Eailway Commissioners was hereunto affixed this twenty-sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and (1.5.) ninety-four, in the presence of— Jambs McKeerow,'i t, -, T. BoNAYNE, r EallWa y John L. Scott, j Commissioners.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation not given; printing (1,200 copies), £1 Gs.

Authority : Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94.

Price. 3d.]