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APPENDIX A. Locomotive Superintendent's Office, Gentlemen, — Wellington, 25th May, 1894. I have the honour to report on the Locomotive Department for the year- ending 31st March, 1894, as follows :— The locomotives, carriages, wagons, vans, cranes, tarpaulins, machinery, and general plant have been maintained in good and efficient condition. Improvements to locomotives and rolling-stock have been effected at every suitable opportunity. Many valuable additions have been made to the machinery for workshops—notably, boilerdrilling machine, milling machine, quartering machine, &c, &c. Xiocomotive Bepairs and Bebuilding. —l7o locomotives have passed through the shops. Of these, 3 have been rebuilt, Ito F" and 2to L a , and their tractive power largely increased ; 18 were thoroughly overhauled; 53 received heavy repairs, and 94 received light repairs ; 67 were wholly painted, and 44 had paintwork or varnish renewed. The following new work is in hand: Compounding 2 locomotives, rebuilding 5 class F locomotives to class P a , and building 6 new ones—viz., 2 class W a , and 4 new passenger locomotives class U. 123 boilers were overhauled, of which 18 had new tubes ; 24 had tubes pieced; 7 received new barrels; 11 were supplied with new smokebox tube-plates; 4 had new fire-boxes; 7 had new copper tube-plates ; 50 were patched ; 38 underwent heavy repairs, and 77 light repairs; and 8 were furnished completely with new boilers. There are also 20 new boilers in hand. Carriage and Wagon Bepairs and Bebuilding. —sl9 cars passed through shops; 5 new cars were built; and 6 old-type four-wheeled cars were entirely rebuilt to 5 class A bogie cars; 2 class C cars were converted to bogie, class B. The following work is in hand : 3 four-wheel type and 3 six-wheel type are under conversion to 6 class A bogie cars and 6 new bogie cars, class A. 100 cars were thoroughly overhauled; 68 received heavy repairs, 329 light repairs, and 16 were fitted with standard draw-gear; 187 carriages were wholly painted, and 161 had paintwork renewed. 232 brake-vans passed through shops, 4of which were of the bogie type and entirely new. Two old four-* wheel vans were rebuilt to the bogie type, and 2 others are now under conversion. Three new fourwheel vans and 3 new bogie vans are in hand; 38 were thoroughly overhauled ; 39 received heavy repairs, and 145 light repairs; 4 were fitted with standard draw-gear; 76 were wholly painted, and 46 had paintwork renewed. 3,460 wagons passed through the shops :of these, 50 were entirely new, 19 were rebuilt, and 427 were thoroughly overhauled; 932 received heavy repairs, and 1,977 light repairs ; 329 were fitted with standard draw-gear ; and 1,208 were wholly painted, and 679 had paintwork renewed. The following new wagon-work is in hand :15 class L (four-wheel high-side), 35 class O (four-wheel iron-hopper), 6 class E (bogie high-side), 10 class S (bogie sheep-trucks), and 5 class V (double bogie freezing-vans). The work of balancing the car- and wagon-wheels is now fairly started. Steam Cranes and Stationary Boilers. —sl passed through shops, of which 6 cranes were overhauled; 3 cranes received heavy repairs, and 21 light repairs; 4 stationary boilers received heavy repairs, and 16 light repairs. Tarpaulins.— 5,104 passed through shops; 474 were thoroughly overhauled; 2,252 received heavy repairs, and 1,877 light repairs ; 390 new ones were manufactured. Expenditure. —The expenditure per train-mile in pence has been as follows : —■

The usual returns are forwarded. I have, &c, T. E. Eotheeam, The New Zealand Eailway Commissioners, Locomotive Superintendent. Wellington.

Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage. Locomotive, per Train-mile. Car and Wagon, per Train-mile. Total. 1893 1894 3,002,174 3,113,231 3,882,516 4,005,511 d. 14-69 ' 13-71 d. 4-32 4-35 a. 19-01 18-06