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whole for £600. They made efforts to induce others to join in working the mine by continuing the low-level cross-cut, but, as sufficient capital could not be raised, they resolved to sell the tramways, crushing mill, and concentrating and cyanide plants. These have been removed, and the special claim is to be surrendered. A cleaning-up of the battery resulted in 120 tons of stuff being crushed for 920z. of gold. Shellback Disteict. The Nordenfeldt, Waitemata, and Mountain Flower Mines were worked, but only in a desultory manner. 20 tons of quartz from this district yielded 330z. 4dwt, of gold. Kueanui Disteict. Hansen's Mine, Kuranui No. 3 (Peter Hansen and others, owners). —This mine has been worked on the co-operative principle, the owners and tributers making a division of proceeds after charges have been paid. The crushing stuff was taken from old stopes and stringers in the walls; 5,375 tons were crushed for 1,0790z. 15dwt. of gold. Four wages-men and fifteen tributers are employed. Comer's Mine, Kuranui No. 2 (Bobert Comer, owner and manager).—The operations were chiefly confined to working surface-stringers and mullock on the hill in the vicinity of the All Nations shaft. Three hundred feet of drives were put in, and rises put up 200 ft. in all. 3,450 tons of mullock were crushed for 2620z. 14dwt. of gold; and tributers crushed 190 tons for 190oz. 17dwt. of gold. Nine wages-men and six tributers were employed. It is the intention of the owner to join with the tributers in working on the co-operative system in the same manner as carried ont in Hansen's mine. Hazelbank Mine (the Hazelbank Gold-mining Company, owners). —Operations in this mine were carried on chiefly on Darby's reef. This was opened up by further sinking the winze 60ft. below No. 2 level, and making a rise 60ft. up from No. 3 level to connect. A drive was then put in at the intermediate between No. 2 and No. 3 levels, and large blocks of the reef opened. Stoping has been carried on here, and also at No. 1 intermediate. Two hundred and fifty feet of driving was done on reefs, and 1,700 fathoms of reefs stoped out. The company crushed 1,808 tons for 2,6130z. 16dwt., and tributers 410 tons for 550z. 7dwt., of gold. Twentyeight wages-men were employed. Moanataiei Disteict. Moanatairi Mine (Moanatairi Gold-mining Company, owners). —Fifty-eight wages-men and fifty-three tributers were employed. The chief works carried on were stoping on the blocks opened in the Point Bussell and Beuben Parr sections of the mine, and reopening of the 80ft. and 150 ft. levels from the shaft below main tunnel level. A large amount of work was done in connecting the shaft 150 ft. level with the Hazelbank No. 1 level. This was necessary to drain off the water that had accumulated in the workings from the shaft. The water was tapped in a careful manner, and without any mishap. 4,278 tons of quartz were crushed by the company for 1,8410z. Bdwt. of gold. 11,520 tons of mullock from the surface was sent down a pass to the main tunnel, and thence trucked to the battery. The return from this was 7050z. 7dwt., or at the rate of l-25dwt., or a value of 3s. 3d., per ton. Junction Mine (Junction Gold-mining Company, owners). —This mine is situated on the hillward side of the Moanatairi Slide. The workings are from a cross-cut driven from the Moanatairi tunnel. A large reef, Bft. in thickness, has been worked on, and a rise put up for 100 ft. on the hanging-wall of the reef. Two men were employed. Alfred Mine (Conway and party, owners). —The mine is worked on tribute, six men being employed. 286 tons lOcwt. of quartz yielded 2850z. 6dwt. of gold. Freedom Mine (Freedom Gold-mining Company, owners). —Work is confined to the surface levels. Two tributers crushed 73 tons and 71b. of quartz for 250z. 12dwt. of gold. Orlando Mine (Orlando Gold-mining Company, owners). —A large amount of prospecting has been done by the company ; 579 ft. has been driven on reefs and leaders, whilst upwards of 200 ft. of winze and rise were opened. The owners crushed 34 tons for 88oz. 19dwt., and tributers crushed 150 tons for 430z. 18dwt., of gold. Seven wages-men and four tributers were employed. Calliope Mine (Calliope Gold-mining Company, owners). —240 ft. of driving was done by the company, and a party of tributers crushed 100 tons of quartz for 150oz. of gold. Four wages-men and four tributers were employed. New Whau Mine (W. H. Lucas and party, owners). —The work in this mine was chiefly the old blocks on the Whau level, and opening up the old Lincoln Castle level for 400 ft., and making a pass to the Sons of Freedom tunnel. The owners crushed 80 tons for 930z., and the tributers crushed 1,300 tons, chiefly from old stopes on Dixon's reef, for 710oz. of gold. Four wages-men and six tributers were employed. New Alburnia Mine (New Alburnia Gold-mining Company, owners). —The principal works carried on during the year were driving on Dixon's reef at the 70ft. level, 300 ft. to the westward and 120 ft. to the eastward of the winze sunk last year. A block of 150 ft. has been stoped out up to the Whau level. The reef left to the westward is low grade—from lOdwt. to 15dwt. to the ton— and a large quantity of quartz can be mined cheaply. There are blocks of similar quartz in this and other levels of the mine, the reefs varying from Ift. to 3ft. in thickness. Owing to the cost of handling, in getting the quartz out of the mine and to the battery, there is not a sufficient margin of profit in working these blocks. This company is now in treaty to purchase the Dixon's battery, on Tinker's Gully. The Ballarat and Glunes adit will then be driven through the company's ground, and a shaft sunk in a suitable place from the surface at Punga Flat to this level. Levels will be opened from this shaft, and all quartz can be lowered down to the adit and forwarded to the mill by wire tramway at a