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No. 9. Mr. F. J. Moss to His Excellency the Goveenoe. My Loed, —■ British Eesidency, Barotonga, Bth September, 1893. I have the honour to inform your Excellency that, question having been raised as to the propriety of the Penrhyn schooner " Omoka," owned by the Natives of that island, being registered in the Cook Islands and using the Federal flag, the Cook Islands Government decided to withdraw the provisional register given to that vessel. Application was then made to me to give a provisional letter in order that the schooner might proceed to Penrhyn, where she is to undergo a thorough overhaul and repair. Strictly speaking, she seems entitled, only to use the British flag, but this would entail her going to New Zealand or to Fiji, and being placed under the regulations of the Merchant Shipping Act —a great hardship, if not total prohibition, to the ownership by these Natives of any vessel. Under these circumstances, I took the responsibility of giving a sailing-letter for the voyage from Earotonga to Penrhyn ; the vessel to use the Penrhyn flag, to carry no passengers without a special permit from me; in such case to have a boat on board capable of carrying twelve persons and their provisions in case of need. She is also to carry no intoxicating liquor of any kind, and is uninsured. The sailing-letter is to stand good for her return from Penrhyn to Earotonga, or from Penrhyn to Tahiti. In the meanwhile, your Excellency may perhaps think it desirable to inform the High Commissioner, within whose jurisdiction Penrhyn is now placed. I have, &c, Feedbeick J. Moss, His Excellency the Earl of Glasgow, G.C.M.G., British Eesident. Governor of New Zealand, &c.

No. 10. His Excellency the Goveenoe to Mr. F. J. Moss. Sic, — Government House, "Wellington, 21st September, 1893. I have the honour to acknowledge you letter, No, 20, of the Bth September, reporting your action with regard to the schooner " Omoka." Under the circumstances, I approve of the provisional sailing-letter with which you have provided her master, and I shall lose no time in forwarding a copy of your letter to the High Commissioner of the Western Pacific for his information and in explanation of your action. I have, &c, F. J. Moss, Esq., British Eesident, Earotonga. Glasgow.

No. 11. His Excellency the Goveenoe to Mr. F. J. Moss. Sis, — Government House, Wellington, 21st September, 1893. I have the honour to acknowledge your letters, Nos. 18 and 19, of the sth and 7th September, in continuation of your despatches of the sth and 6th of August, relative to the proceedings of the Court held by Mr. Commissioner Eoss. 1. With regard to the action brought by the Natives of Penrhyn against Messrs. Donald and Edenborough, and the question of the detention of the schooner " Norval" at Penrhyn, I may remark, without entering into the question of jurisdiction, that the result of the proceedings and of the finding of the Court appears to be highly satisfactory, and to have got rid of a rather awkward difficulty in a manner likely to lead to more legal methods in settling similar questions in future. 2. In the action laid by the " Ngati Kureka" against the same defendants, and also brought before Mr. Commissioner Eoss, the same satisfactory results appear to have followed. 3. I am glad to hear that there are now no unsettled questions outstanding, and I note your opinion that a Court somewhat similar—something, I presume, in the nature of a Supreme Court— held once a year, or at stated intervals, would be of great utility. Meanwhile, I hope you will be successful in your efforts to improve the status of the Native Courts, by giving them regular pay instead of depending on fines, which is, theoretically as well as practically, a most reprehensible mode of remunerating the legal authorities. I, however, recognise the difficulty of increasing the taxation, and feel sure that your tact and knowledge of the Native character will cause you to be very cautious in your efforts to that end. 4. I have to thank you for a copy of Lord Onslow's proclamation, but I think it has already been published. I have, &c, F. J. Moss, Esq., the British Eesident, Earotonga. Glasgow. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,350 copies), £i 12s.

By Authority: Samoel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94. Price tid.]