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APPENDIX A. CONTAINING THE OFFICIAL NOTICES RELATING TO THE LAND-CLAIMS OF W. WEBSTER AND HIS SEVERAL CO-CLAIMANTS, SHOWING THE DATES OF THEIR ORIGINAL REFERENCE TO THE COMMISSION, THE DATES APPOINTED BY THE COMMISSION FOR HEARING THE CLAIMS, AND THE AWARDS MADE THEREON. Extracts prom Supplements of New South Wales Government Gazettes. Land Claims referred to Commission. (New Zealand.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 9th March, 1841. His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that the following claims to lands in New Zealand have been referred to the Commissioners appointed under the Act of the Governor and Council, 4th Victoria, No. 7, being in addition to the claims notified as referred on the 9th November last. The parties are reminded that before their claims can be investigated they must pay to the Commissioners a fee of five pounds, as prescribed by the Act. Case No. 28. —Charles Abercrombie, of Sydney, Claimant in part. (80,000) Eighty thousand acres, more or less, being all that piece or tract of land situate and bounded in manner following, that is to say : Commencing at the mouth of a creek called Orua, on the left bank of the Eiver Piako, which empties itself into the Frith of the Thames, to run from the mouth of the said creek due west by compass to the summit of a hill Mangakawa; then south by west to the summit of a hill called Tukenui; then south by west to another hill called Pukemoko ; then south by west along the division-line of the Piako and Waikato land to a point due west from the western extremity of a low ridge of hills, called Panawhau ; then due east from the said point to the west extremity of the said range of low hills, and along the said range to the eastern extremity; and then due east to the Eiver Piako, and then to follow the Eiver Piako downwards northerly to the mouth of the said creek Orua to the commencement. Alleged to have been purchased on the 21st December, 1839, from the Native chiefs Koinaki, Hanuari, Pekoe-hoe, Tetwareponga, Hwareteatoa, Ngatireuhea, Tumakoe, I Tamabo, Tekeraki, and Ngatihwata, by Mr. William Webster, who sold a moiety to Mr. Peter Abercrombie, who sold a tenth part of his interest to Mr. Charles Abercrombie, who thus claims a twentieth part of the land above described. Consideration : Various articles of merchandise, value not stated. Nature of conveyance: Deed in favour of Mr. Webster, dated 31st December, 1839. Case No. 29.—Peter Abercrombie, of Sydney, Claimant in part. A tract of land situated and bounded in manner following, that is to say : The half of the island which forms Coromandel Harbour, commencing at a rock called Ti Perau, on a beach called Tawiti, and running from the said rock by compass north-west to the opposite shore, and in continuation to the north-east point. Alleged to have been purchased on or about the Bth December, 1836, from the Native chiefs Te Arakuri, Te Tawaroa, Te Aomerere, and Tau Eva by Mr. William Webster, who sold a moiety to the present claimant. Consideration : Various articles of merchandise, value not stated. Nature of conveyance : Deed in favour of Mr. Webster, of the above date. Case No. 29a.—Peter Abercrombie, of Sydney, Claimant. All that piece or tract of land situate on the north-east part of Coromandel Harbour, on the Warrau Creek, commencing on the west side of the creek by a small creek or rivulet called Hokoewaka, and running one mile and a half in a westerly direction, and then following the windings of the creek to the south-west six miles, and commencing opposite on the Waiau Creek, and running one mile in an easterly direction, and then following the windings of the creek one mile back, and in a northerly direction down to another small creek called Matawai, following the said creek down to the Waiau Creek. (Contents not stated.)

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