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assistance through the smallness of the staff. lam convinced that before long this appointment will have to be made or the staff will break down. I have, &c, C. C. N. Babkon, Chief Eeporter.

Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 7th June, 1893. Referring to your letters of the 18th August and 6th November, 1892, relative to the proposed increase in the number of the Hansard staff, I have been directed by the Premier to inform you that the Government has conferred the appointment on Mr. W. H. Eussell, at present acting as Private Secretary to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer. Mr. Eussell is to receive a salary of £300 per annum, and he has been informed that it will be necessary to be in attendance at the opening of Parliament, on the 22nd instant. I have, &c, Alex. Willis, The Hon. W. J. Steward, . Secretary to the Cabinet. Speaker, House of Representatives.

(Telegram.) Ashburton, 9th June, 1893. C. C. N. Barron, Esq., Chief Reporter Hansard, Hobson Street, Wellington. GovEBNMBNT informs me that Eussell appointed to Hansard staff at three hundred a year. Were you consulted as to appointment and salary, and is latter in accordance "with regulations? Eeply. W. J. Stewabd. (Telegram.) Hon. W. J. Steward, Ashburton. 9th June, 1893. Was not consulted as to Eussell appointment; presume it is according to my recommendation last year that extra reporter be appointed. Salaries fixed by House at £300 ; but last Speaker, acting on recommendation of Select Committee (not confirmed by House), recommended that they should commence at £250, with annual increase until £300 reached. C. C. N. Baeeon, Wellington.

Sib, — Hansard Office, Wellington, 16th June, 1893. I forward herewith the resignation of Mr. W. A. Parkinson as a member of the Hansard staff. I beg respectfully to recommend that Mr. A. M. Kay be appointed to the vacancy. Mr. Kay has given assistance on the Hansard staff for several sessions, and has proved himself a thoroughlyqualified reporter. I shall feel obliged by your kindly communicating with the Government at your earliest convenience, with a view to the vacancy being filled up at once. I have, &c, C. C. N. Baebon, Chief Eeporter. The Hon. the Speaker, House of Eepresentatives.

Sic, — Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand, 14th June, 1893. I beg to tender resignation of my position as a member of the Hansard staff. After seventeen years' service as a shorthand writer in the Legislative Department, I take this step with a good deal of regret, but I have become connected with a business which seems to call for my whole attention. I have, &c, The Hon. the Speaker, House of Eepresentatives. W. A. Pabkinson.

Sic, — Speaker's Rooms, 20th June, 1893. I have the honour to advise you that there is a vacancy on the Hansard staff owing to the resignation of Mr. W. A. Parkinson; and, after consulting with the Chief Eeporter, I beg to recommend Mr. A. M. Kay for appointment. I have, &c, W. J. Stbwaed, The Hon. the Premier. Speaker, House of Eepresentatives. Note. —Mr. Barron's letter attached. Mr. Kay's testimonials were enclosed with my letter of some months ago.

Sic, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1893. I have the honour to inform you that the Government has decided to appoint Mr. H. M. Gore to the vacancy on the Hansard staff caused by the retirement of Mr. Parkinson, with a salary of £300 per annum; and, in respect of this and other similar appointments, the Government look upon them as promotion to deserving and competent officers in the public service. There are other arrangements made by which the services of this gentleman, and of Mr. Eussell, recently appointed, will be utilised during the recess, by which a very considerable saving in the public expenses will result. I have, &c, E. J. Seddon. The Hon. W. J. Steward, Speaker, House of Representatives.