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In concluding my report I have to express my sense of the good services rendered by both the field and office-staff in assisting me to carry out the very heavy work which has had to be got through during the past year. The current work has only been overtaken by continued application, necessitating much overtime, which much curtailed the leisure hours of many of the officers. John H. Bakee, Assistant Surveyor-General.

NELSON. Minor Triangulation. —There has been no field-work of this description done during the year; but the triangulation and topography of the Cheviot Block is now in hand by Mr. F. Smith. Rural and Suburban. —The acreage surveyed has been slightly less than in previous years, but the number of holdings has been larger, reducing the previous year's average area from 260 acres to 110. The average cost per acre is 2s. 2-4 d. The greater part of the work done has been in the Takaka, Collingwood, Nelson, and Amuri Districts. In the latter, surveys of blocks selected by the Midland Eailway Company are in hand. The employment of surveyors in this district upon the superintendence of road-work has delayed the completion of surveys ; but a portion of the Hanmer Springs Eeserve has been surveyed into surburbau allotments averaging 27 acres each. Town and Village Surveys. —The standard survey of Westport, reported as in progress last year, has been completed, and sixty-one standards have been laid down, to which the corners of the town blocks have been connected. The Village of Torea, Waiamangaroa, has been laid off in forty-two allotments of 1 acre each; also the Village of Millerton, at Granity Creek, near the Westport Coal Company's mines, containing 142 allotments of 1 rood each. At the Ahaura Township, 109 additional sections, averaging 13 perches each, have been laid off. These were included in the schedule of the Midland Eailway Company's contract, but had not been pegged on the ground. Twenty-seven additional building-allotments have been surveyed at the Hanmer Hot-Springs Eeserve. Gold-mining Surveys.— This class of work fell off very considerably during the year. Mining operations have been chiefly confined to the old-established companies, only a small amount of fresh ground having been taken up. The same may be said of mineral leases, an application for one coal lease only having been surveyed. Road Surveys. —About nine miles and a half of road have been surveyed, principally through leased lands and traverses of road not previously surveyed. Land Transfer Work. —A larger amount of work has been done in this branch {than in the previous year, and arrears have been much reduced. John S. Browning, Chief Surveyor.

MAELBOEOUGH. Minor Triangulation. —This triangulation extends over the Bai, Tunakino, and Eonga Valleys, and was made by Mr. Bobertson in connection with the 5,148 acres of rural and suburban surveys under his name. The whole of the area covered by this triangulation is rough, forest-clad hills, involving much labour in clearing the stations, and, situated as it is in a part of the district subject to constant rains and fogs, a good deal of time was lost. Rural and Suburban. —Of the 12,232 acres completed during the year, 5,148 acres were surveyed by Mr. Bobertson in the Eai Valley, with the object of the land being thrown open for settlement, but, owing to a subsequent proposition to deal with the timber in this and the adjacent valleys, the block has not yet been thrown open. Messrs. Wilson and Dobson's contract of 3,007 acres is the survey of the Eonga Valley Special Settlement Block. As both of these surveys are situated in long narrow valleys one section deep on either side of the streams, more than the usual amount of work had to be done in the selection of suitable lines of road previous to subdivision. The other section surveys call for no special remark ; they are in different localities, about one-half of them being in the sounds. Proposed Operations. —This year commences with 11,600 acres on application for sale, occupation with right of purchase, and small grazing-runs, and 6,950 acres of Native Land Court surveys, comprising survey and subdivision of the fiuakaka, Tahuahua, Waikawa, and Wairau Native reserves, and grading road over the saddle of the head of the Bonga into the Croixelles Harbour. In addition there will be the usual calls for section and other work by the Land Board and the public; and, should the lands in the Eai and Opouri Valleys be thrown open during the year, we may expect some 7,000 acres in addition. With the present strength of the staff it will be impossible to overtake this work, and either another surveyor and party will be required, or the services of authorised surveyors made use of. I must also again point out the necessity of a topographical survey of a considerable area of pastoral runs in the district, the leases of which will expire in 1896," and the topography of which is quite insufficient for the purpose of readjusting the boundaries and classifying the runs. Henry G. Clark, Chief Surveyor.

WESTLAND. Topographical Surveys comprise a total area of 81,700 acres, including exploration surveys, rough traverses of creeks and features adjacent to standard and road surveys. The cost was 04d. per acre, or £142 10s. lOd. in all. Topographical Surveys for Selection under Land Act. —Total area, 15,320 acres; cost, £169 9s. 4d.