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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Page General Report by the Surveyor-General— Work of the Department .. • • •• 1 Special-settlement Associations and ViUage-nome-stead Lands . ■ • • • • "a Settlement Conditions, Forfeitures, &e. .. .. 4 Pastoral Runs.. .. • • • • "2 Arrears .. • • ■ • • • 5 Selectors' Land Revaluation .. .. •> Naval and Military Settlers .. • • ° State Forests .. • • • ■ • • ' * 2 Lands for Settlement .. .. • • " i Thermal Springs, &c. .. .. •• " q Cost of Surveys .. • • • • ° Triangulation and Topography Settlement Surveys .. • • • • "a Native Land Court Surveys .. . • » Gold and other Mining Surveys .. .. 9 • Road and Bailway Surveys .. •• •• 9 Miscellaneous Work .. .. • • » Conference of Surveyors in Melbourne .. 9 Constructive Works, Roads, Bridges, &c. .. 9 Statement showing Blocks of Land proclaimed, &c, under " The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act Amendment Act, 1891" .. . ■ "Hi Departmental and General .. .. " ii Head Office—Reports of Officers .. " ~ Statement of Litho. Printing and Photographing .. 14 Table No. 1.—Surveyors employed .. • ■ 15 2.—Crown Grants and other Instruments of Title prepared .. .. .. 15 3.—Plans placed on Crown Grants, &c. .. 15 " 4.—Land Transfer Act—Work done .. 15 " 5. Work done for other Departments and Local Bodies .. . ■ .. 16 Appendix No. 1— Administration — Reports of Commissioners of Crown Lands — Auckland .. .. • ■ • • " ,2 Taranaki .. .. ■ • • • "J? Hawke's Bay .. • • • • "5 Wellington .. •■ •• •• j± Marlborough .. • • • • " ol Nelson .. .. •• •■ " fl Canterbury .. • • • • "on Westland .. ■• •• •• °® Otago 31 Southland .. •• •• .. oi Appendix No. 2— Reports of Chief SurveyorsAuckland .. .. • ■ ■• "2? Taranaki .. . • • • • • "ft Hawke's Bay .. • • • • • • f5 Wellington .. .. •• •• •• °« Nelson .. ■• •■ •• • • 38

Page Appendix No. 2 — continued. Beports of Chief Surveyors— continued. Marlborough .. .. .. .. 39 Westland .. .. .. •• ..39 Canterbury .. .. .. • • .. 39 Otago .. .. .. •• ..40 Southland .. .. .. •• ..41 Topographical Plan of Will's "Valley (to face p. 40). Photo-litho. Map of Wills Valley (to follow above). Photo-litho. Map of Wills Valley in Upper Gorge (to follow above). Appendix No. 3— Reconnaissance Survey, Wills River .. .. 41 Reconnaissance Survey, Macfarlane River .. 42 Copland River Explorations (Mr. C. E. Douglas's Report) .. .. .. •• ..42 Topographical Plan of Macfarlane River (to face p. 42). Topographical Plan of Copland Country (to follow above). Geological Formation of Copland Country (to follow above). Section Plan of Copland River-bed (to follow above). Photo-litho. of Lyttle's Peak (to follow above). Photo-litho. of "The Sierras " (to face p. 43). Photo-litho. of Mount Cook and Baker's Saddle (to face p. 44). Photo-litho. of Cuttance Glacier (to follow above). Photo-litho. of Copland Valley (to face p. 46). Photo-lithos. of Lower Gorge, Copland Eiver; and Lower Gorge of the Twain (to follow above). Appendix No. 4— Reports on Roads—• Auckland .. .. •• •• ..47 By Mr. Hursthouse .. .. .. 49 By Mr. G. T. Murray .. .. .. 49 Taranaki .. .. •• •• ..52 Hawke's Bay ..' .. •• ..53 Wellington (Mr. Reaney) .. .. .. 53 (Captain Turner) .. .. .. 55 Marlborough .. .. • • .. 56 (Mr. N. Marchant) .. • • .. 56 Nelson .. .. • • • • .. 57 Westland .. .. •■ •• ..58 Canterbury .. .. .. • • .. 60 Otago .. .. .. •• ..61 Southland .. .. •• •• ..64 Schedule of Roads constructed (Otago) .. .. 63 Appendix No. 5— Thermal Springs— Rotorua (Mr. Malfroy) .. .. .. 65 Hanmer Plains (Mr. Rogers) .. .. .. 67