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s.—Circulation. The number printed this year is 4,850. The disposition of this rumber is as follows, viz.:— For binding ... ... ... ... .., ... ... 300 „ members of both Houses ... ... ... ... ... 2,725 „ official use and sales... ... ... ... ... ... 658 „ free list ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,167 Total ... ... ... 4,850 I am of opinion that the number of copies sold would not be materially increased if Hansard -were issued in its present form earlier. Eeports efficiently condensed would, without doubt, increase sales, if publication were materially hastened. The number of copies sold last year was 389. The number for the present year to date is 264. I have, &c, Samuel Costall, Government Printer. The Chairman, Eeporting Debates and Printing Committee, House of Eepresentatives.

Table showing Space occupied by Members' Speeches, from No. 1 (June 22) up to and inclusive of No. 27 (part of September 18).

Approximate Gest of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,250 copies), £2 4s.

Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93.

Price 3d.]

Name. jolumns in Hansard. Name. jolumns ii Hansard. Allen ■ ' ... Blake Bruce Buchanan Buckland Buick Cadman Carncross Carroll Dawson Duncan Duthie Earnshaw Fergus Fish Fisher Fraser Grey (absent) ... Guinness Hall Hall-Jones Hamlin ... . Harkness 84* 19* 66i 51 128 is* 6* 18* 86* 4 17| 9H 85" 341 269J 132 5 16* 92i 6* 12* 241 93| 14i 65 30 7 14 12 9* 12* 22J 81* 90| 14* 531 McKenzie, J McLean Meredith Mills, C. H. ... Mills, J. Mitchelson ... Moore Newman O'Conor Palmer Parata Pinkerton Eees Eeeves, W. P. Ehodes Eiohardson Eolleston Eussell Sandford Saunders Seddon Shera Smith, E. M. Smith, W. 0. Steward Stout Swan Taipua Tanner Taylor Thompson, E. Thompson, T. Valentine "Ward Willis Wilson Wright 64 861 504 12* 271 47 43J 54 61 28* 23 26£ 27 169$ 40|46| 161i 561 48* 22 3701 28* 70" 23i 41* 120* 181 18*, 15* 66* 36i 6 25f 185*. 26i 26i 411 Hogg Houston Hutchison, G. Hutchison, W. Joyce Kapa Kelly, J. Kelly, W. Lake Lawry Mackenzie, M. J. S. Mackenzie, T. Mackintosh McGuire