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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1892. 1893. Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johnston, T. A., Lorraine, Balclutha Kane, James, Lovell's Flat Kelly, William, Kaitangata Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Milton Kilgariff, Thomas, Milton Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat King, Alexander, Stirling King, James, Stirling Kinlock, James, Milton Kreft, John, Milton Kydd, George, Wangaloa Lawrence, James, Sea View, Kaitangata Lawrence, Thomas, Kaitangata Liddell, J., Taieri Beach Lindsay, George, Birkenshaw, Milton Little, Thomas, Bishop's Lockhart, William, Milton Lowery, Alexander, Milton Lowery, John, Stirling Lowery, Thomas, Clarkesville Mackay, James, Waihola Mailey, Patrick, Milton Marshall, James, Southbridge, Milton Martin, George, Southbridge, Milton Martin, R., Adam's Flat Matthew", Charles; Millburn McCallum, Archibald, Table Hill, Milton ... McCallum, John, Table Hill, Milton McCaw, William, Glenore McCorkindale, Adam, Manuka Creek McDiarmid, A., Inch-Clutha McDonald, George, Stirling McElrea, James, Milton McFaull, Hugh, North Branch, Milton McGill, Peter, Milton McGuigan, James, Rosebank, Milton Mcintosh, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton McKay, Robert, Millburn Mckechnie, A., Milton McKenzie, Murdoch, Taieri Beach McLaren, A., Table Hill, Milton McLean, James, Southbridge, Milton McLean, William, Clarkesville McLeod, G., North Branch, Milton McMaster, D. (Exors. of), Waihola McNeill, Henry, Circle Hill, Milton Merrilees, Jessie, Taieri Beach Miller, Claus, Manuka Creek Miller, W. H., Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. ... Mills, R., Milton Mills, R. and T., Southbridge Milne, James, Taieri Beach Mitchell, A., Glenburn, Wangaloa Mitchell, D., Ardmore, Wangaloa Moir, J. and R., Balclutha Monfries, David, Table Hill, Milton Moore Bros., Waipori, Berwick Moore, George, Manuka Island, Balclutha ... Moore, William, Berwick Moore, W., and Sons, Milton Morgan, David, Glenledie, Milton Morrison, J. and A., Butchers, Stirling Morrison, Malcolm, Kaitangata Mosely, John, Stirling Mosely, Joseph, Stirling Mosley W. S., Inch-Clutha, Stirling Muir, William, Manuka Creek Murray, Hugh, Forest Hill, Clarkesville Murray, John, West Field, Clarkesville Murray, Murdoch, Milton Murray, Robert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville ... Nelson, A., Crofthead, Lovell's Flat Nelson Brothers, Meadowbank, Clarkesville Newbigging, J. L., Milton N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Roxburgh, Glenore Noble, W., Hillingdon, Milton Ottrey, George, Milton Palmer, John, Mount Stewart, Glenore Parker, Benjamin, Stirling Paterson, R., jun., Hill End, Balclutha Paterson, T., Hill End, Lovell's Flat Patterson, John, Millburn Patterson, W. and J., Millburn 6oo 586 180 990 213 85 96 20 360 • 30 30 183 •53 176 140 234 97 160 300 4, '57 180 5'3 393 700 47 152 98 400 100 23 45 37 1 160 343 35° 400 100 40 95 1110 600 586 162 94 245 88 85 120 500 400 95 100 IOO 182 696 190 250 90 •97 50 74 270 83 99 700 300 83 •6 S 194 530 321 500 1600 450 191 746 •3' 600 5° 10 80 381 326 593 460 45° •So Nil in 580 747 260 672 2800 •74 200 1130 400 •95 1100 67 273 no 660 975 208 500 Nil 190 2850 46 200 1200 328 426 265 283 96 300 Nil 85 400 70 704 96 14022 IOOO 27 3000 56 450 397 218 292 95 •87 500 70 43 11136 IOOO 3000 500 380 •56 291 167 192

No. of Sheop on April 30, April 30, 1892. 1893. Paul, Robert, Milton Pearson, John, Akatore, Milton Pearson, Joseph, Milton Petrie, James, Stirling Pillans, Miss A. S., Stirling Pillans, W. S., Balclutha Pink, John, Lovell's Flat Porter, J., Milton Prentice, James, Waipori, Berwick Pringle, J., Southbridge, Milton Pringle, Robort, Milton Rabbit, Thomas, Milton Raitt, James, Wimbledon Farm, Stirling Reid, John, Mount Misery, Milton Rekowske, A. F., Milton Robertson, Alexander, Circle Hill, Millburn Robertson, Robert, Southbridge, Milton Robertson, William, Wangaloa Robinson, W., Milton Robson, Robert, Lovell's Flat Ross, James, Clarkesville Ross and Cook, Mount Stewart, Manuka Ck. Roulston, Hector, Millburn Roulston, Joseph, Millburn Rowe, E., Balclutha Russell, Clement, Knowe Head, Taieri Beach Russell, H., Taieri Beach Russell, Thomas, Millburn Rutherford, James, Inch-Clutha Salmond, John, Milton Samson, William, Wangaloa Scott, David, Berwick Scott, G. H., Milton Scott, Henry, Table Hill, Milton Scott, Mark, Milton Seed, W., Millburn Simpson, W., Hill End, Glenore Simson, James, North Molyneux, Kaitangata Sinclair, Hugh, Mount Misery, Milton Sinclair, Sutherland, Waihola Sinclair, Walter, Waihola Smaill, Charles, Kaitangata Smaill, George, Balloon, Inch-Clutha Smaill, James, Mayfield, Inch-Clutha Smaill, Robert, Inch-Clutha Smaill, William, Hawthornden, Kaitangata... Smaill, William, Summerbill, Kaitangata ... Smith, James, Waihola Smith, John, Stirling Smith, Joseph, Stirling Smith, Joseph, jun., Stirling Smith, J. Lee, Waihola Smith, Peter, Stirling Sneddon, Robert, Manuka Creek Somerville, R. (Executors of), Millburn Steel, W. A., Inch-Clutha Strain, Mrs. Agnes, Millburn Strain, David, Avon Glen, Millburn Strain, William, Millburn Stubbs, W. A., Milton Sutherland, J. and J., Millburn Sutherland, Robert, Table Hill, Waitahuna... Sutherland, W., Round Hill, Waitahuna ... Taylor, C, Stirling Taylor, E. B., Wangaloa Telfer, Andrew, Waitahuna Thompson, David, Table Hill, Milton Thompson, Robert, Springhill, Milton Thomson, David, North Branch, Milton Thomson, Joseph, Milton Thornton, Thomas, Milton Tough, John, Milton Tweedie, David, Milton Tweedie, William, Milton Walter, S., Boundary Creek, Berwick Watt, J., North Branch, Milton White, Mrs. J., Canada Bush, Millburn Williamson, Peter, Millburn Willocks, John, Inch-Clutha, Stirling Willocks, William, Hill End, Stirling Wilson, Robert, Lovell's Flat Wilson and Scott, Waihola WilBon, William, Balclutha Wisely, A., North Branch, Milton 166 29 s 60 84 265 200 250 •44 44 3674 Nil 70 IOOO 170 95 190 300 50 160 150 200 Nil 520 290 92 IOOO 170 252 85 96 80 48 193 450 307 700 200 200 167 90 680 280 164 •33 50O '28: 20 380 400 710 I19I 430 200 450 448 436 475 49 2800 71 174 600 3457 244 1047 237 92 180 400 300 90 •5° 89 350 •54 190 1100 85 209 40 272 223 419 241 700 200 "35 49o 160 146 63 500 587 124 330 100 800 •339 495 400 398 85 59i 2900 •45 500 100 160 2799 1114 780 60 118 36° 100 •3« 595 50 •43 81 M5 290 360 97 1100 185 800 104 2000 200 161 2925 90 690 35 Nil 284 •58 121 1050 •7 66 390 Nil 65 2 93 Nil Nil 1200 182 700 76 2000 200 57° •5° 485