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Repoet by Me. John Sawees, Chief Insteuctoe.

I have the honour to present my annual report for the year ended 31st March, 1893. During the past season my time has been principally occupied in the Southland, Otago, Canterbury, Wellington, Taranaki, and Hawke's Bay Districts, and I may say that I have visited nearly every factory in these parts. The past year has shown an increased interest in dairying as well as other branches of agriculture. The information disseminated by the department to settlers, by means of pamphlets, &c, personal visits and lectures by the experts, is much appreciated. It is pleasing to report that the dairy industry continues to make good progress. The number of butter- and cheese-factories and creameries throughout the colony is 104, being an increase of 32 over the preceding period, and from present indications there is every prospect of as large an increase to start the ensuing season with. At present frozen mutton, wool, grain, and gold rank the highest of our exports; but should the dairying industry continue to develop as it promises to do, the products of the dairy at an early date will equal in value, if not exceed, those referred to. This occupation, besides employing a large amount of labour, gives ready and profitable returns. The low prices ruling for grain, and the uncertainty of good crops, owing principally to the continued cropping, and consequent exhaustion of much of our lands, are causing farmers to turn their attention to other sources of profit. When considering, for instance, that wheat is worth about £6 per ton, it seems absurd to pay the cost of transportation fourteen thousand miles, in preference to exporting beef or mutton, worth about £25 to £30 per ton, or cheese about £42, or first-class factory-made butter at about £84 per ton. In extending our export trade there would seem to be two points that should be kept steadily in view by our settlers —viz., an endeavour to minimise transport charges by the raising of products of the highest value in proportion to weight, and the retention of the fertility of our soil. If this is carried out, a considerable decline in the exportation of grain is sure to be followed by an increase in that of mutton, butter, cheese, condensed milk, bacon, pork, fruit, &c. Where Nature has supplied every want in the way of climate, and quality of the soil, required for successfully carrying on the dairy industry, no effort on the part of the Government can be considered too great to further this interest and to stimulate the spirit of enterprise now being seen in all parts of the colony. All over the civilised world science is being brought to bear on every branch of business; it therefore behoves us in this colony, where we have so many natural advantages, to use every means to place the most improved methods of manufacture before our producers, so that they may be in a position to furnish only the very best articles. For the purposes of this report, and to show the increasing extent of our export dairy trade for the last ten years, and for the first quarter of this year, ended the 31st March, 1893, 1 subjoin the following table: —

Dairy Produce Exported, 1883-1892.

This statement shows satisfactory progress in the exportation of cheese and butter, and the good effect the dairy interest is likely to have on the future of the colony. The results indicated in the table are the more satisfactory when the difficulties with which the industry had to contend for a few years after the initiation of the factory system, now nearly twelve years ago, are known. Many of the dairy companies, through the imperfect knowledge of those connected with them, had to succumb to financial difficulties, Now I can safely say that every one of our co-operative factories is in a healthy state,

ear. ler. iUe. .eese. :uo. 1883 ... 1884 1885 ... 1886 ... 1887 ... 1888 ... 1889 ... 1890 ... 1891 ... 1892 ... ?hree months ending March 31,1893 Cvvt. 8,869 15,766 24,923 23,175 17,018 29,995 37,955 34,816 39,430 53,931 £ 42,020 66,593 102,387 105,537 54,921 118,252 146,840 122,701 150,258 227,162 Cwt. 2,519 10,342 15,245 16,429 23,913 36,682 26,558 40,451 39,770 41,495 £ 6,892 25,074 35,742 45,657 54,562 78,918 67,105 84,986 86,675 91,042 22,917 103,696 24,995 52,347