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Mr. F. R. Jackson, Mayor, Wanganui, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 27th April, 1893. Peemit me, on behalf of the residents of Wanganui, to express their deep-felt sympathy with you in your terrible affliction. The death of your husband, I am sure, will be felt by friends and opponents alike as a national calamity.

Mr. E. George, Mayor, Christchurch, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 27th April, 1893. Citizens greatly shocked. Accept our most sincere sympathy.

Mr. H. Burnett, Mayor, Woodville, to the Hon. R. J. Seddon. (Telegram.) 27th April, 1893. In the name of inhabitants of the Woodville district, I wish to express our sense of the great loss the colony has sustained by the lamented death of the Premier, and shall be obliged if you will convey our. respectful sympathy in this great affliction to Mrs. Ballance.

Mr. J. Suisted, Mayor, Westport, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. On behalf of this town and district, I desire to offer you the most heartfelt sympathy in your present severe bereavement. The late Premier had many warm supporters here, and much sorrow is felt at the death of a statesman so universally esteemed, and who can be so ill spared by the colony.

Mr. F. Tease, Mayor, Nelson, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. Please accept heartfelt sympathy of citizens of Nelson and myself personally in your sad bereavement.

Dr. Eeson, Mayor, Onehunga, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetary. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. Kindly convey to Mrs. Ballance and her family the heartfelt sympathy of our town in their great bereavement, and their appreciation of the loss sustained by the colony occasioned by the death of our late Premier.

Mr. J. C. Atkinson, Mayor, Linwood, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 28th April, 1893. On behalf of the residents of Linwood, I beg to convey their sincere sympathy with you in your sad bereavement.

Mr. R. W. Wade, Mayor, Hokitika, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. I have the honour to forward following resolution passed at special meeting of Hokitika Borough Council this afternoon: "That the Council views with the deepest regret the sad intelligence of the death of the late Premier of the colony, the Hon. John Ballance, and desires to express to you, on behalf of the community, their sincere regret at the loss of one so valued and esteemed by the colony, and their warmest sympathy with you in your great bereavement, feeling that, not only has the colony lost one of its most valued public leaders, but that you have been deprived of one of the best and kindest of husbands."

Mr. A. Sheeeatt, Mayor, Timaru, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. The Borough Council and a number of sympathizers desire me to convey to you their deep sorrow in your sad bereavement.

Mr. J. Sansom, Mayor, Rangiora, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. Buegesses and residents of Rangiora sincerely sympathize with you in your severe bereavement.

Mr. J. Belleingee, Mayor, New Plymouth, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. The Mayor, Councillors, and inhabitants of the Borough of New Plymouth beg to tender their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Ballance in her great bereavement.

Mr. W. Doubleday, Mayor, Kaiapoi, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. Accept the sincere sympathy of this Council and the inhabitants of Kaiapoi in your sad bereave ment.

Mr. J. T. Bruce, Mayor, Lyttelton, to Mrs. Ballance. (Telegram.) 28th April, 1893. Accept our sincere sympathy in your great bereavement.