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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of Section 16 of the Act.

MOEHAU No. 1 BLOCK. Sic, — Native Land Court, Paeroa, 25th July, 1893. I have the honour to report for the information of the Hon. the Native Minister upon the circumstances attending the alienation of the shares of certain of the grantees in Moehau No. 1, this land having been the subject of an inquiry under " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1892." The inquiry in question was held before the Native Land Court, Auckland, on the 11th June, 1893. No objection was made on the part of the vendors to the application of the Kauri Timber Company for a certificate of the Court in their favour. In the opinion of the Court the transaction is both fair and reasonable, so far as the interests purchased are concerned; but there was nothing in the transaction to show the value of these interests, for they have yet to be defined by the Native Land Court. As the share of only a few of the grantees in this block have been purchased, the deed is at present worthless from a legal point of view, since the consent of the remaining owners has not been obtained, and probably will not be obtained, since they are rabid Kingites. This is therefore the matter that requires validation in order to give a good title to the Kauri Timber Company. I have, &c, The Chief Judge, Native Land Court. W. E. Gudgeon.

RAMAHIKU No. 1 BLOCK. In the matter of the application of Stephen Hooper, now of Waverley, under "The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1892," with regard to Bamahiku No. 1 Block. We, the undersigned, Judge and Assessor of the Native Land Court, being duly appointed under the first above-recited Act, and having in open Court inquired into the said application, do hereby report thereon as follows :— We find that the title of the land in this case is an order for a memorial of ownership under " The Native Land Act, 1873." That all the Natives entitled, except two—namely, Meiha Keepa and Pita te Bahui—have transferred their interests in the said block to the said Stephen Hooper ; the transfer is dated the 13th of October, 1886. We observe that at this date section 120 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1886," was in force, vide the case of Poaka v. Ward, reported in Vol. 8, " New Zealand Law Beports," p. 350. We find in the application before us that there are no means under the existing law whereby the purchaser can complete his title. We have already furnished to your Honour our certificate under section 5 of the above-men-tioned Validation Act. Wβ think that some means should be devised whereby the interests of the Natives who have sold should be ascertained and awarded to the purchaser, and the balance of the land awarded to the two Natives who have not sold; and we venture respectfully to suggest that the Native Land Court be empowered to do this. Given under our hands and the seal of the Court, at Wanganui, this 27th day of July, 1893. Bobeet Waed, Judge. leni Tapihana, Assessor, His Honor the Chief Judge, Native Land Court, Wellington. I— G. 3.