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No. 82. The Seoeetaey, General Post Office, to the Secbetaby, Wellington Chamber of Commerce. Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sir,— 4th October, 1892. I have the honour, by direction of the Postmaster-General, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th ultimo, forwarding copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of your Chamber on the 22nd idem, in reference to the port of arrival and departure of the mails via San Erancisco, in New Zealand. In reply thereto, I am to inform you that it is left to the contractors to choose the port of arrival and departure, a right which was given them under the mail-service resolutions agreed to by the House of Eepresentatives last session. I have, &c, The Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Wellington. W. Gbay, Secretary.


(See No. 43; also No. 50 and No. 77 and enclosures.)

No. 83. The Hon. the Peemieb to the Agent-Geneeal. Sib,-. Premier's Office, Wellington, 18th May, 1893. Adverting to my letter of the 19th ultimo, advising you of the reported negotiations between Messrs. Huddart, Parker, and Co. and the Canadian and New South Wales Governments, for the ■establishment of a mail-service between Australia and Vancouver, I have the honour to inform you that, owing to this colony not having been approached by the promoters, we are still somewhat in the dark concerning the probable result of the negotiations. The service, however, is definitely fixed to commence with the sailing of the "Miowera" to-day from Sydney to Vancouver. The Australian ports of call are, so far, understood to be Sydney and Brisbane, Sydney in each case being the last and the first port of call. The Australian Colonies have, up to the present, refused to subsidise. Should there, however, be an Imperial subvention, it may be considered probable that New South Wales will be induced to contribute, and should this be done Queensland may follow. Press reports state that Messrs. Huddart, Parker and Co. have applied, through the Premier of Canada, for an Imperial subsidy, and I should be glad if you would ascertain the intentions of the authorities in regard to the service. You will be duly advised of any further developments at this end. I have, &c, W. B. Perceval, Esq., A. J. Cadman, Agent-General for New Zealand, London. Eor the Premier.

No. 84. The Hon. the Pbeiiieb to the Agent-Genebal. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 15th June, 1893. In continuation of my letter of the 18th ultimo, I have now the honour to inform you that the first steamer, the " Miowera," in the Canadian Pacific Australian service sailed from Sydney on 18th ultimo, and from Brisbane on the 20th, for Vancouver. Since the date of my letter, cablegrams have appeared in the Press announcing that the sole reason of the refusal of an Imperial subvention was because none of the colonies had subsidised the service. It is assumed therefore that it was on the representations made by the Agent-General ■of that colony in connection with this refusal" that the Postmaster-General of New South Wales proposed to Parliament, and Parliament adopted, a resolution to assist the Vancouver service by a subsidy up to £10,000 a year. Apparently, there is still no intention to embrace New Zealand in the service, the Government not having been approached either by the Government of New South Wales or the contractors. I have, &c, W. B. Perceval, Esq., W. P. Beeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, London. In the absence of the Premier. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,450 copies), £31.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93. Price Is.}