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No. 53. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Resident Agent, San Francisco. Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sir,— 18th February, 1893. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th ultimo, intimating that it is proposed to alter the day of sailing of the San Francisco mail-steamers from Friday to Thursday, in consequence of the change in the Cunard Steamship Company's vessels, and in reference to the improbability of a Canadian Pacific service The Postmaster-General has agreed to the substitution of Thursday for Friday as the day of departure of the mail-steamers from San Francisco, commencing, from the 27th April next, and the time-tables will be altered accordingly. The Union Steam Ship Company has been informed. I have, &c, E. J. Creighton, Esq., W. Geay, Secretary. Eesident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, California.

No. 54. The Secretary, General Post Office, to the Managing Dieectoe, Union Steam Ship Company. Post Office and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, Sir,— " 18th February, 1893. I have the honour to inform you that, as the mails from London for Australia and New Zealand will, from April next, be carried across the Atlantic by either of the Cunard Steamship Company's steamers " Etruria" or "Campania," which are fast vessels, it is anticipated that the will mails reach San Francisco one day earlier than hitherto. The Postmaster-General has, therefore, ■ decided that Thursday, 27th April, and every fourth succeeding Thursday, will be substituted for Friday, 28th April, and every fourth succeeding Friday, as the days of departure of the mail-steamer from San Francisco to Auckland. I enclose an amended time-table. I have, &c, The Managing Director, W. Geay, Secretary. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin.

No. 55. The Hon. the Postmaster-Geneeal, Wellington, to the Supeeintendent of Foeeign Mails, Washington. (Letter in similar terms to No. 54.)

No. 56. The Managing Dieectoe, Union Steam Ship Company, to the Secbetary, General Post Office. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin, Sib,— 28th February, 1893. I am to-day in receipt of your favour of the 18th instant, and note that the PostmasterGeneral has approved of Thursday being substituted for Friday as the day of departure of the mail-steamers from San Francisco from 27th April next. I have, &c, T. W. Whitson, For the Managing Director. W. Gray, Esq., Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 57. The Supeeintendent of Foreign Mails, Washington, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, "Wellington. Post Office Department, Office of Foreign Mails, Washington, D.C., g lHj _ 23rd March, 1893. Eeferring to your letter of the 18th ultimo, advising this department that, for reasons therein stated, your Administration has directed that Thursday, the 27th of April next, and every fourth Thursday thereafter, shall he substituted for Friday, the 28th of April, and every fourth succeeding Friday, as the days for the sailing from San Francisco of the mail-steamers plying between San Francisco and Auckland, I have the honour, by direction of the PostmasterGeneral, to inform you that due notice of the same has been taken, and that the necessary instructions have been issued to the postmasters of New York and San Francisco. I am, &c, N. M. Brooks, Superintendent of Foreign Mails. The Postmaster-General, Wellington, New Zealand.