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Table No. 5. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1892.

Balances on 1st January, 1892. Transactions. Balances on 31st December, 1892. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. iIoney Order Accounts :— Money orders United Kingdom, &c. United States of America, &c. Hongkong Victoria South Australia New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Western Australia Commission >avings-Bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers rELKGKAPH ACCOUNTS :— Receipts .. ' New South Wales New Zealand & Australian Cable 'ostal Revenue Accounts: — Stamps Postal Guides Private box and bag rents Miscellaneous revenue Money-order commission Total revenue 3-enebal Accounts :— Post Office Account Postmasters and Telegraphists Investments Accrued interest on investments Postal notes Maintenance o£ private wires.. Foreign postage Miscellaneous expenses Customs duty Game-license fees Goldfields revenue Goldminers' Guides Government Insurance Gum licenses Hospital and charitable aid .. Land-tax Live-stock .. Machinery fees Mining Act Native lands Oyster licenses Property-tax Public baths Registration of births, &c. . 1 Rents Advances to Treasury for payments to London office on Money Order Account Public Trust General Post Office Fine Fund Profit and loss £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 17,612 16 4 791 14 3 1,565 6 9 256 5 3 219 4 1 15,542 6 3 765,865 18 o 89,921 11 o 5,070 2 I 42 5 10 26,941 14 o 1,541 I 2 41,755 12 4 3,183 14 7 7,211 15 5 615 10 8 1,128 9 3 766,971 19 o 72,614 16 10 4,873 19 8 12 17 9 25,835 7 9 1,227 2 3 39,320 3 11 3,013 14 8 5,870 7 8 901 2 7 1,241 17 3 16,506 15 4 1,764 7 11 987 16 8 29 8 1 2,671 13 o 570 4 2 2,654 I2 6 205 10 o 2,094 I0 Io 37 15 9 129 17 11 35 10 1 753 3 1 323 7 8 243 5 11 2,695>447 11 6 941 5 9 i>989.571 19 5 123,903 5 6 1,821,348 18 1 123,313 9 10 2,863,670 12 10 I.53 1 1 5 1,320 4 5 423 19 7 506 7 7 128,387 7 9 11,487 3 o I3>!97 Io 7 127,540 4 11J 11,493 13 4 12,912 1 II 2,167 7 2J 4 J 7 9 3 791 16 3 111,745 4 11 275>879 6 10 361 8 6 4,703 10 o 43° 3 4 9,452 o o 192,124 4 8 273,001 9 7J 361 7 o 4,703 10 o 43° 3 4 9,452 o o 197,727 18 o 114,623 2 ij 016 7,324 16 4i 1,721 3 oj 38,023 8 3 i>348 4 3 11,936 12 2 652 2 10J 70,902 3 5 186,899 is 7 2,609,137 7 8 20,645 9 5 2,043,659 5 10 4,093,026 4 gj 801,546 o o 20,645 9 5 87,913 6 8 1,008 18 6 13,862 11 8 350,553 16 3 5,340 17 10 1,503 10 o 239 12 2 3 10 6 21,755 9 4 600 o o 2,024,896 18 9 4,107,052 10 7J 1,013,600 o o 21,284 H 2 86,490 8 2 1,008 18 6 11,839 9 6 354,920 11 8 5,434 14 7 1,503 10 o 238 16 8 39,446 6 9 3,371 6 5 7,569 16 9 558 6 li 52,139 16 4 200,926 1 5 2,821,191 7 8 21,284 II 2 5 1 6 890 3 5 21,176 13 6 600 16 2 6 231,000 o o 10,147 6 6 3,091 o 3 619 6 o 5 17 o 3 10 6 1,468 19 3 594 o o o 2 11 3 6 1 12 19 4 233,939 12 4 10,147 6 6 3,247 15 3 3,361 16 o 2,939 12 4 67 15 o 224 10 0 2,742 10 0 43 2 7 5 97 4 6 100 91,945 4 3 225 19 2 1,680 17 6 56 13 6 5,794 9 11 100 92,367 o o 195 8 2 1,648 14 o 56 3 6 10 11 8 30 11 0 129 8 o o 10 o 5,794 9 11 152 10 o 86,901 9 ioj 300 145,453 10 8 79,992 9 2! 300 144,447 2 6 7,061 10 8 19,625 14 6 20,632 2 8 Totals 3,096,897 3 4 2,911,389 6 9 2,911,389 6 9 11,717,206 1 2 11,717,206 1 2 3,096,897 3 4