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Statement of Expendituee for the Year ending 30th June, 1893. $ c. 1. Fixed appropriations—Payment of Members ... ... 360 00 2. Collection of Eevenue ... ... ... ... 320 00 3. Supreme Court ... ... ... ... ... 120 00 4. Post Office ... ... ... ... ... 130 00 5. Shipping Master ... ... ... ... ... 80 00 6. Paymaster and Clerk to Government .. ... ... 150 00 7. Public School ... ... ... ... ... 00 00 8. Auditor ... ... ... ... ... 100 00 9. Expenses of the Chief of the Government... ... ... 200 00 10. Interpreting, and Clerical assistance ... • ... ... 180 00 11. General Contingencies ... ... ... ... 273 47 12. Inspection of Works ... ... ... ... 125 00 13. Subsidies to Local Governments ... ... ... 2,500 00 14. Ngatipa ... ... ... ... ... 150 00 15. Building a Parliament House ... ... ... ... 750 00 16. Unauthorised, per account ... ... ... ... 788 08 $6,226 55 I have examined the above accounts, and compared them with the vouchers, and hereby certify that they are correct. Earotonga, Ist July, 1893. J. Scaed, Auditor. Statement of Account for the Year ending 30th June, 1893. 1892. Beceipts. $ c. $ c. July 1. Balance in hand, per account ... ... 2,039 64 1893. June 30. Eevenue, per account, from Ist July, 1892, to date ... ... ... ... 5,503 11 7,542 75 Expenditure. Expenditure from Ist July, 1892, per account. ... ... 6,226 55 1,316 20 Liability. Subsidies to Councils, due 30th June, 1893. ... ... 1,200 00 Balance ... ... ... $116 20 Statement of Unauthoeised Expendituee, Ist July, 1892, to 30th June, 1893, laid before Parliament in accordance with the Act of 1892. 1892. Service. $ c. August 5. To H. Nicholas, account buildings at Ngatipa ... ... 88 78 1893. March 20. „ Wildman and Lyell, stationery, &c. ... ... 94 14 29.,, H. Nicholas, buildings at Ngatipa ... ... ... 30 00 29.,, Donald and Edenborough, freight ... ... ... 20 78 April 6. „ Carpenters at Parliament House ... ... ... 150 00 „ 8. „ W. Macalister, repairing flagstaff, &c. ... ... 31 90 June 8. „ E. Armstrong, painting Parliament House windows, &c. 614 E. Piltz, provisions to workmen at Parliament House ... 168 00 „ 15. „ 11. Nicholas, furniture, Parliament House ... ... 33 00 „ 30. „ Carpenters at Parliament House „.. ... ... 92 50 „ 30. „ Societe Commerciale, on account of timber for Parliament House ... ... ... ... ... 12 84 „ 30. „ Advance on account of Parua, Ariki; charter of schooner "Te Upoko Enua" to Atiu. ... ... ... 60 00 $788 08 Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,375 copies), £23 ss.

By Authority: Samuel Costam-, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93.

Price, Is.