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9. To the Au of Avarua, for roads and bridges between Takarua and Pokoinu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 800 10. To the Au of Arorangi, for roads and bridges between Pokoinu and Toreaiva ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 11. To the Au of Takitumu, for roads and bridges between Toreaiva and Takarua ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 800 Total ... ... ... ... $2,730 [Teanslation.] Eesolved by the Earotonga Council: That the Overseers of public works required by " The Subsidies Act, 1891," shall be appointed for the Districts of Avarua, Arorangi, and Takitumu, by the Ariki of each of the said districts, and their names be sent by the Ariki to the Inspector appointed by Parliament. Avarua, 23rd August, 1892. — ■ [Teanslation.] Estimated Eevenue of the Earotonga Council from Ist July, 1892, to the 30th June, 1893. Permit fees received by the Licensing Officer from Ist January, 1891, to $ 30th June, 1892 (net)... ... ... ... ... ... 965 Estimated to 30th June, 1893 ... ... ... ... ... 400 Fixed subsidy from Federal Eevenue for the year ending 30th June, 1892... 300 Fixed subsidy from Federal Eevenue for the year ending 30th June, 1893 300 Special subsidy for the year ending 30th June, 1893 ... ... ... 1,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... $2,965 [Teanslation.] To Chairman of Earotonga Council; I heeewith forward statement of fees levied on permits for liquor, the first law of the kind ever made and carried out on any island of the Pacific ; and the honour belongs to you, the people of Earotonga. I have had no trouble with the Maori people; but I cannot say the same of the others, as I have been obliged to issue four orders of " total prohibition," three recently. I consider the law is not strict enough for people under " total prohibition." Those under it ought to be compelled to obey the law as far as possible, and if they drink intoxicating liquor they ought to be made to pay a heavy fine, or work it out. The person or persons from whom they obtain the liquor, or on whose premises they drink it, ought also to be made to pay a very heavy fine, or work on the roads. Laws which are made must be obeyed, and not treated with contempt. Enough. God bless the Council and the people, and give them wisdom to see what is best for Earotonga. J. H. Gaeniee, Licensing Officer. Earotonga, 2nd July, 1892. [Teanslation.] Statement of Fees levied on Permits for Liquor received by and due to Licensing Officer, Earotonga, from the Ist July, 1891, to the 30th June, 1892 : — Amount of fees on— . $ c. $ c. 287 dozen bottles Beer @ 30 cents, per dozen ... 86 12 73J „ „ Wine „ 60 „ ... 44 25 394|g „ „ Spirits, $3ga per doz. ... ...1,184 61 1,314 98 Disbursements— Licensing Officer's salary... ... ... ... 360 0 Clerk of Council... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Auditor ... . . ... ... ... 20 0 Interpreting ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Patu, printing laws ... ... ... ... 170 Meau, pilotage" Vanderbilt" .. ... ... 9 0 Court fees, Goodwin and De Lisle... ... ... 90 Eent of bond store—three months to the 30th June ... 90 Sundries ordered by Tepou, &c. ... ... ... 11 60 475 60 Unexpended during year... ... ... ... ... 839 38 Cash on hand, Ist July, 1891 ... ... 126 05 Total amount unappropriated ... ... ... 965 43 Cash on deposit ... ... ... ... 575 17 Amount due for fees in course of collection ... ... 390 26 965 43 Earotonga, 2nd July, 1892. J. H. Gaeniee, Licensing Officer. I heeeby certify that I have examined the above accounts, and compared the vouchers therewith, and find the same to be correct. 4th July, 1892. J. Scaed, Auditor.