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Enclosure No. 12. No. 8 (6th July, 1892).—Fedeeal Flag. (Beserved.) It is hereby enacted by the British Eesident and the Parliament of the Cook Islands : — 1. That the flag for the Federation of the Cook Islands shall be as described in the Schedule hereto. 2. That vessels belonging to the Cook Islands shall use the said flag, but that on shore the flag given to us at the proclamation of Great Britain's [protectorate—namely, the Union-jack—shall continue to be hoisted in all public places. Dated at Avarua the 6th July, 1892.

Schedule. Description of Flag for Marine use.— Three horizontal stripes—red, white, and red—of equal width, with the Union-jack in the upper corner of the red stripe, if it be allowed. Eeserved for consideration of His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. 9th July, 1892. Feedeeick J. Moss, British Eesident.

Enclosure No. 13. STATISTICS, 1891-92.

I.—Imports into the Cook Islands for the Year ending 30th June, 1892.

Specie imported from Auckland, New Zealand, $4,689 = £937 16s. J. H. Gaeniee, Collector.

II.—Exports of Native Produce from the Cook Islands for the Year ending 30th June, 1892.

Specie exported to Tahiti during year, $8,600 = £1,290. J. H. Gabniee, Collector.

Articles. From Auckland. From Wellington. From Tahiti. Total Imports. Clothing Piece and fancy goods... Provisions, salted, and preserved Breadstuff's ... General groceries Spirits Wine » c 2,706 96 11,785 67 7,416 84 1,667 33 5,043 17 946 81 74 76 498 75 2,552 66 8 o. 629 02 4,413 06 699 65 1,194 33 1,101 13 136 81 14 30 76 30 780 40 $ c. 2,667 44 22,151 52 2,021 47 3,025 75 1,665 58 185 91 212 30 138 05 2,418 95 9 c. 6,003 42 38,350 25 10,137 96 5,887 41 7,809 88 1,269 53 301 36 713 10 5,752 01 Beer Timber, manufactured and unmanufactured Hardware, ironmongery Tobacco Other articles 6,607 27 1,031 75 3,676 65 2,916 72 1,023 65 1,836 53 3,262 09 483 82 4,513 23 12,786 08 2,539 22 10,026 41 Total $44,008 62 $14,821 90 $42,746 11 $101,576 63 Valued on entry @ $5=£1 sterling £8,801 14s. 6d. £2,964 7s. 8d. £8,549 4s. 5d. £20,315 6s. 6d.

Exported to Auckland, New Zealand. Exported to Wellington, New Zealand. Exported to Tahiti. Total Exports of Cook Islands Produce. Article. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. $ c. 249 00 444 98 742 70 27,473 10 21,179 39 14,031 12 233 00 85 00 3,820 22 10,881 83 169 00 92 33 $ c. 9 c. $ c. 249 00 444 98 792 70 57,917 99 40,221 59 18,207 71 233 00 117 10 4,101 02 17,181 83 169 00 517 83 3ananas, bunches Beche-de-mer, lb. Uocoanuts .. Doffee, lb. .. Dopra,lb. jotton, lb. .. jotton seed, lb. Fungus, lb. .. Oimejuico, gal. Dranges, boxes Pine apples .. Dther articles 749 9,7C8 53,350 134,637 785,579 85,251 70,000 1,127 10,750 11,268 4,225 21,859 522,800 0,444 4,571 00 12,234 00 1,100 93 5,000 118,482 137,124 22,140 50 00 25,873 89 3,808 20 3,075 66 749 9,768 58,350 274,978 1,445,503 113,835 70,060 1,635 17,740 11,468 4,225 ~508 32 10 990 200 280 80 300 00 20 00 405 50 $85,401 67 £12,810 5s. $21,506 73 $33,245 35 $140,153 75 Valued on exporting in Chilian dollars, = 3s. each ) — £ 21,023 Is. 3d .. £ 3,226 0s. 3d. £4,980 16s.