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No. 28. The Secretary for Crown Lands to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. (Telegram.) 27th February, 1893. Kindly wire Marchant to-day if you agree to Matson's terms for selling Cheviot, namely, twentythree guineas, and 1 per cent, on total rent. I have told him to accept terms, unless he is wired to contrary to-day. Wire also, if, in case of no sale, Marchant may announce that each paddock, as fenced, will be offered for lease in, say, fourteen days. Mr. Bell agrees to our making copy of their plan showing fences, &c. The Hon. John McKenzie, Minister of Lands, Kaikoura. A. Barron.

No. 29. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch, to the Under-Secretary for Crown Lands. (Urgent telegram.) Christchurch, 28th February, 1893. No bid for Cheviot as a whole. Announced we would reoffer in subdivisions at an early date. Difficulty is we have no plan showing fences. Would be glad of your opinion as to number of subdivisions, and whether we can reoffer estate as a whole without resumption of 30,000 acres. What is cost of map ? J. W. A. Marchant, Under-Secretary for Crown Lands, Wellington. Commissioner of Crown Lands.

No. 30. C. R. Campbell, Esq., to H. D. Bell, Esq. (Telegram.) Cheviot, 28th February, 1893. Marchant asks price of map. Eeplied he could have it at cost price, namely, five hundred and three pounds, if you agreed. If they will not close, what would you let them have it for ? H. D. Bell, Wellington. Campbell.

No. 31. H. D. Bell, Esq., to Mr. Hanmer, Surveyor, Christchurch. (Urgent telegram.) 28th February, 1893. Please inform Chief Surveyor, Christchurch, by wire, exact cost of recent survey and plan done by you for Trustees Cheviot Estate. That is, exact sum paid you and now due you. Hanmer, Surveyor, Christchurch. H. D. Bell.

No. 32. Secretary for Crown Lands to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. (Telegram.) 28th February, 1893. Trustees want £503 for map of Cheviot. Have asked Mr. Marchant to see it and value. Seems a high price, but think trustees would take less, probably £250. Might be worth this if it would enable us to sell in paddocks as fenced. Bell offers £600 a month for the lease; would probably spring to £650, subject to reduction pro rata if 30,000 acres resumed in October or later. Asks that trustees should have refusal if an offer made to you in Christchurch by syndicate. He has wired his co-trustees and the auctioneers, asking them to consent to postponement of sale for fourteen days. If their map shows fences would give time to readvertise and get out areas of paddocks, and, whatever the size of these paddocks, each would have to be made one run. Bell asks that a hydraulic wool-press at the station should be taken over at a valuation. Hon. John McKenzie, Waiau. A. Barron.

No. 33. The Secretary for Crown Lands to the Chief Surveyor, Christchurch. (Telegram.) 28th February, 1893. Trustees offer map of estate for £503 (five hundred and three pounds). Please examine it and give your estimate. It is said to include an engineering survey of a road to the port and of other roads. Minister will be in Christchurch Thursday. The Chief Surveyor, Christchurch. A. Barron.

No. 34. H. D. Bell, Esq, to C. R. Campbell, Esq. (Telegram.) Wellington, 28th February, 1893. Government ask us to postpone sale for a fortnight. Do you see any objection? I think we should endeavour to meet their convenience, and recommend agreeing. Their reason is that they wish to advertise grazing rights in small lots, and it seems this would help our sale of stock. Please reply at once. C. R. Campbell, Cheviot. H. D. Bell. [A copy of the above telegram was sent to Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Jones House, Christchurch; Joseph Palmer, Esq., Christchurch; Pyne and Co., Christchurch; Miles, Archer, and Co., Christchurch ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company, Christchurch.]