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No. 81.—Petition of C. Creighton and 9 Others. Petitioners are deferred-payment settlers at Brooklyn Valley, Riwaka district, Nelson Province, and pray that a sum of £150 be placed on the estimates for the purpose of making a road to their properties, as at present there are no means of access. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 15th July, 1892.

No. 4.—Petition of Thomas Hamilton and 20 Others. Petitioners ask that lands known as Lake Flats, about sixteen miles south-east of Christchurch, should be opened for sale on certain conditions which they state. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 15th July, 1892.

No. 131. —Petition of W 7 . Brown and 7 Others. Petitioners are grazing runholders in the Province of Taranaki, and pray that their tenures may be changed to perpetual leases. The Waste Lands Committtee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government. 29th July, 1892.

No. 31.—Petition of William Robertson, Senior, John Robertson, and William Robertson, Junior. Petitioners state that the area of land purchased by them at Peninsula District, Otago, has been incorrectly stated in the Crown grant issued to them, and that they have therefore paid for more land than they have received a title for. They pray relief. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to this petition. 26th July, 1892.

No. 184.—Petition of Patrick Brown. Petitioner states that he has suffered loss by not obtaining a Crown grant for land at Whakatane, being obliged to sell in. consequence at a sacrifice. Petitioner also states that he has suffered loss through the accidental destruction of his property by the railway contractors at Hamilton, Waikato. He, prays relief. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to this petition. 29th July, 1892.

No. 2. —Petition of Robert and John Gordon. Petitioners state they purchased land-orders in Ireland, but on arrival in the colony they were unable to select owing to the war. They have not received any land up to the present, and pray relief. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to the above petition. 12th August, 1892.

No. I.—Petition of Catherine Kinkade. Petitioner states that she was a free immigrant to the colony in 1865, and entitled to a grant of 40 acres of land. She duly received scrip, but did not select at the time. Afterwards she lost the scrip, and has never received any land. She prays relief. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to the above petition. 12th August, 1892.

No. 69.—Petition of G. W. Gane. Petitioner prays for revaluation of Section 100, Block 1., Opunake Survey District, as the land has been valued too highly. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make with reference to the above petition. 12th August, 1.892.

No. 202.—Petition of James Mickell and 6 Others. Petitioners request that a sum of £60 may be granted to them for the purpose of forming a bridletrack to Brooklyn Valley, Riwaka Road District. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the, Government for consideration. 12th August, 1892.

The Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same, and beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto, which are shown on the attached copy of the Bill. 25th August, 1892.