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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1891. 1892. Dawe, Eiohard, Washdyke Day, E. and D., Pleasant Point DeRenzy, W., Hurnmington, Winchester ... Dinnicombe, John, Kingsdown Dinnie, Alexander, Moa Flat, Cave Divan, John, Washdyke Dixon Brother?, Raincliff Donnithorne, J., Orari Drisooll, Matthew, Pleasant Point Dwyer, D., Temuka Earl, Job, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edgar, Adam, Rangitata Edgar, Robert, Temuka Edmiston, W. P., Q-len-iti Ellery, S., Oravi Ellery, W., Orari Esler, James, Pleasant Point Evans, J. W., Woodbury Every, E., Pleasant Valley Panning, John, Pleasant Point Pifield, John, Geraldine Finn, James, Geraldine Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, Mrs. William, Dirrah, Timaru ... Fitzpatrick, W., Geraldine Fleming and Hedley, Seadown, Temuka Fraser, J., Temuka Frazer, J. and P., Pleasant Point Gaffaney, Michael, Temuka Galbraith, Samuel, Waitohi Flat Gale, G., Pleasant Valley Gammie, James, Cave Gapes, William, Gapes Valley Gardiner, R., Claremont Garforth, Samuel, Hilton Garrick and Cowlishaw, The Brothers, Albury Gentleman, M. McS., Washdyke Gibson, John, Claremont Gilchrist and Tomlinson, Timaru Gilliatt, J. R., Stumps, Temuka Gimson, C. W., Winchester Gimson, James, Geraldine Gladstone, H. J., Winchester Glanvilie, W., Woodbury Goodeve, H. R., Temuka Goodwin, T., Woodbury Gould, E. J., Waterfall's, Pleasant Point ... Gould, G. J., Pleasant Point Gould, W., Woodbury Graham, Archibald, Timaru Grainger, Henry, Rangitata Island Grant, A. (Executors of), RainclifF, Temuka Grant, James, Temuka Grant, John, Temuka Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Gregan, Mrs., Pleasant Point Gregan, James, Pleasant Valley Greig, John, Pleasant Point Griffiths, Ephraim, Willow Bank, Orari Grigg, R., Beaconsfield Groundwater, Thomas, Woodbury Gudex, Christian, Washdyke Gudex, Michael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guilford, W., Pleasant Point Gunn, D., Temuka Guy, F., Otipua Haar, Conrad, Rangitata Island Hall, Thomas, Gapes Valley Bally, D., Waitohi FlatHamilton, H., Clayton, Fairlie Creek Hamilton, T. D., Fairlie Creek Hamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hammond, C. W., Peel Forest Hammond, Robert, Geraldine Hawke, William, Geraldine Hawkey, C, Pleasant Point Hay, James, Temuka Hay, William, Pleasant Point Hedlev and Duimett, Temuka Helm," W. T., Geraldine 35 2000 274 34° 800 700 Nil 690 400 700 100 267 397 Nil 45 7' 499 400 '75 300 160 45 i 5 .6 256 987 280 IS' Nil 220 9 260 1000 5S99 '5° 400 Nil ii n 36 650 28 100 37 88 2OOO 39° 57° 420 3060 840 400 290 4°5 1100 192 161 •95 '99 225 Nil 61 328 290 '5° 530 300 400 96 Nil 378 990 600 281 ■56 498 Nil 447 i°95 6050 Nil 35° 5° 1269 400 410 7«5 30 2 S Nil 190 194 100 490 1170 S>8 23 960 661 180 32 1857 Nil 280 89 75° 471 200 1005 452 1760 400 Nil 290 266 260 300 400 39° 1270 122 194 480 800 591 1580 178 183 Nil 222 75 Nil 183 30682 229 46 333 3045 2 661 121 1 57' 563 3 1700 320 156 ■5° 1 rjo 2886 Nil 1641 4442 300 7° 99 290

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1891. April 30, 1892. Heney, W. and J., Geraldine Heuolian, Mrs. John, Gilfoot, Pleasant Point Hewson, W., G-eraldine Hide, William, Winchester Hitch, J., Eaincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Henry, Baincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Richard, Kerry town Holwell, John, Temuka Holwell, Joseph, Ternuka Holwell, William, Temuka Howden, E., Geraldine Howell, W. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, G-eraldine Hullen, J. M., Waitohi Flat Hullen, John, Waitohi Flat Humphrey, A., Seadown, Temuka Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Jessep, C, Woodbury Jobberne, J., Pleasant Valley Jones, J. D., Winchester Jones, T., Eangitata Kane, James, Pleasant Point Kee, D. C, Pleasant Point Keiley, J., Woodbury Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, J., sen., Temuka Kelland, E., Kelland Barton, Timaru Kelleher, T., Pleasant Valley Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kempton, Michael, Woodbury Kennedy, M., Winchester Kennedy, W. M., Eangitata Island Kerslake, E., Pleasant Point Kidd, H., Albury Kimble, A. C, Gapes Valley King, James, Timaru King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru King, W., Washdyke Kinnahan, T., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Knight, Thomas, Temuka Laureneon, L , Pleasant Point Lawrenson, James, South Eangitata Lawson, W. E. D., Geraldine Leary, C, Hilton Leary, J., Hilton Lee, Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannant, Winchester Ley, Thomas, Pleasant Point Longuey, N., Winchester Lorgelly, Edward, Peel Forest Love, John, Gapes Valley Lovegrove Brothers, Pleasant Point Lownie, Peter, Eangitata Luxmoore, Mrs. M., Marclrwiel, Timaru Lynn, W., Geraldine Lyon, W., Teinuka Lysaght, Andrew, Pleasant Valley Macaully Brothers, Temuka Macdonald, A., (Executors of), Buhner Macdonald, A., Achablair, Pleasant Valley ... Macdonald, Allan, Waodbury Maedonald, B. E., Geraldine Macdonali, B., Woodbury Macdonald, W. K. (Executors of late), Orari Mair, John, Timaru Markham, Thomas, Geraldine Marshall, James, Temuka Mason, W., Orari Mathews and Trezise, Temuka Maxwell, A., Pleasant Point Maxwell, D. Cave McBeath, D., Totara Valley McCabe, M., Temuka McClelland, A., Eangitata McClintock, Alex, Gapes Valley M3C0II, Thomas, Kerr Town McCormick, L., Pleasant Point McCuUough, Samuel, Temuka VlcCully, H., Claudeboye McCully, W., Pleasant Point McDonald, A. 8., Geraldine McDonald, D., Geraldine McDonald, James, Washdyke McKay, D., Albury 439 88 6oo 222 90 700 194 697 26490 Nil 193 6oi 31000 200 270 96 200 102 1182 33° '3° 364 170 1462 ■55 236 27 1240 725 2244 365 ■31 Nil 130 70 800 353 255° 349 190 Nil 5° 9 9i 585 2474 7'Ji 142 1000 34 2 360 1000 1268 463 1360 1180 7 6 600 2091 67S 1000 2 300 600 1000 984 3°S° 98 5° 86 20 40 70 109 300 140 7 21 36 228 800 98 Nil 67 Nil 897 1000 161 80 100 345 948 4 291 689 3 180 310 Nil Nil Nil 995 3° 262 720 '°455 190 35°° 573 1546 7800 200 970 9400 460 3000 8000 200 279 200 1800 198 77 1610 60 230 200 200 960 199 120 2236 130 600 35° 107 400 257 99 5° 47 [ 269 1042 580 20 Nil 983 20 860 Nil 87 538 100